[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/10ZwtN7.jpg[/img][/center] Sel frowned as she looked at the fox with a little bit of anger. She forced herself to calm down though - [color=gray]"Look ... I expected it to be a prank. There's a difference between a humorous joke though and a death threat."[/color] She sighed. The mage looked towards the bed, laying down in it and looking away from the fox as she distracted herself with thoughts about Lady Gwynn - now likely more a pirate than anything else. [color=gray]"There is this mystical thing known as being nice, Sly. Or actually genuinely funny."[/color] It didn't seem like the scholar expected much a response to that though as she closed her eyes, embracing her small pillow. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/KDNoPCb.jpg[/img][/center] Maoin entered the tavern, sitting quietly as she proceeded to order some fish for herself to eat - it had been an embarrassing day at least, but her ears perked up as her mistress gathered her attention. As Lady Sorcha talked about the gift however and berated her for purchasing it her ears dropped and her tail fell into her lap, where the kitten grabbed it with her hands as she looked downwards slightly. She tried to avoid being too upset - it was clear her new lady had enjoyed the trinket - but it was still a little disheartening to fail her owner anyways. [color=darkslateblue]"Yes mistress. I'm sorry ... I won't do that again Lady Sorcha ..."[/color] The cat looked away as if ashamed before turning her head somewhat back towards the dragon, although her eyes were still downcast. [color=darkslateblue]"... is ... is there more, mistress ...?"[/color] She hoped she hadn't failed in any other way - but it wouldn't seem to any observer that the kitten was expecting some sort of praise at all. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/HuFvrKV.jpg[/img][/center] Fia opened the door hurriedly and slammed it behind herself as she began to sprint out the back door and into the gardens behind the house and the woods beyond it. A quick turn around revealed that the energy filled Ritsa was catching up to her though as they began to reach the edge of the yard, where the crimson haired girl took a hard left around a bush and hoped the faster Ritsa's momentum would carry her further and buy at least a little time. Goodness, how did someone get so fast? She was breathing heavily, but at least her robe was tied on more reasonably than the figure behind hers. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/NPEcX6A.png[/img][/center] Before Meowka could jump, she heard the commanding voice of her mistress. Illusions? The cat seemed somewhat confused as she looked at one of the fish, but after a couple attempts to poke at the sealife she realized that fish couldn't swim in the air, and that there wasn't really the smell of living fish in the local area. The night prowler looked towards her owner with a frown as her disappointment was made incredibly obvious. A second later she folded her arms. [color=blue]"I ... I knew that!"[/color] Her cheeks puffed out as she lied and glared at some of the patrons who were still laughing around them. [color=blue]"This place is bad anyways. Let's go somewhere else, then Mistress Katherine."[/color] She wasn't exactly sure of what sort of places were around town, but it was clear she wanted to be somewhere aside from here.