[quote=@LemonadeVik] (*cough cough* Thurman *cough cough*) [/quote] Just.. That ^^^ I imagine only Satan and Lucifer (and maybe Greed for the entertainment district?) have, like, permanent underlings because (For Wrath at least) Military is something that needs to be trained and worked upon constantly, whereas the other Sins could have souls that come-and-go because the jobs are easier to train. Obviously they CAN have demon underlings, I just don't see many demons subjecting themselves to a life of filing paperwork ^^" But there are people who choose to spend 20+ years of their life literally just doing paperwork in the military, so meh.. To each their own. EDIT: Or even the demons take turns rotating through jobs every few years, so that none of them are stuck doing the same thing for the rest of eternity lmao