"That's Vice. Confirm plan in motion." "Shut up, Gecko," she brushed her long, brunette hair back from her lape and adjusted her glasses. Alto, as he'd introduced himself when he first started coming in, had been on her radar for a while. One day she would have gotten the courage up to talk to him, but if that creepy little lizard from ENTV was going to pay her a little to do just that, then why not? Holding on to a copy of her favourite book for courage ([I]Throne of Glass[/I] by Sarah J Maas), she went at sat at his table. The head librarian would probably shout at her for bothering a patron, "interns are supposed to be seen and not heard!" But it wasn't bothering him if he turned out to like her, was it? "Um..." Her whisper sounded incredibly loud, and she startled herself quiet again. "Hi, I'm Melissa," she said, when her courage had returned. "I want to ask you if-" she took a deep breath as her voice caught. "If you'll go to my school's prom with me." There. The words were out. Now she was on edge waiting for him to answer. He'd say no, of course. Like every other guy she'd asked. Then Gecko would give her some money and she'd go get ice cream with her friends. Then she'd never have to think about cute Epics again.