Nadia looked a bit confused and she accepted the Brawler’s Wristband from Noir by taking it with a smile towards him. [color=lightpink]”T-Thank you, Julian for explaining them. I will take the one that will make me stronger...,”[/color] Nadia said, confidently and a bit confused and terrified all in one. Her emotions was slightly a bit all over the place with what is happening. Nadia heard what everyone was talking about afterwards and agreed they need to get out of here. She followed Julian with cautiousness since she is still in shock because of what happened. She looked at the battlefield outside and was startled when she heard a voice and saw a small white creature crawling on the ground. [color=lightpink]”W-What is that?”[/color] Nadia asked, pointing at the one who called to them for help. She had never seen this creature before in her life or had any stories during her childhood about them. She slowly walked to it with a bit of a gentle smile coming across her face. [color=lightpink]”W-We should help this thing…,”[/color] Nadia said, with gentleness to her.