[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/YHkCoK8.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/JxnfK4R.png[/img][/center][hr] Just two hours ago, the news about Mayor Francis Sauveterre’s corruption scandal broke from all news outlets at exactly 4:03 PM. They claimed that the Mayor siphoned off funds from police pensions and stashed over 70 million in offshore accounts. Furthermore, when the anchor who broke the story - a one [url=http://i.imgur.com/o7LeZRi.gif]Nathan Christenson[/url] - said a reliable source in Town Hall informed PNBC(Pacific National Broadcasting Company) that, when he found out about it, he tried covering it up by rearranging funds from several departments to make up for the losses. Other sources claim he put a gag order on anyone speaking to the press and that if they did, they would not only get fired, but he would sue them for breach of contract. In the time that it took for them to break the story, Francis had already been arrested by the Los Angeles Police Department. Of course, they did it very discreetly. There was no press allowed within twenty yards of his house. By the time anyone had even caught wind that they already had him in custody, he was already at the police station. The news stations stuck with the story, updating the public as they came to them. Of course, they doubtless had to fact-check them before telling everyone. So that took time. And when the six o’clock hour came, Head Anchoress [url=http://i.imgur.com/C7ixKGS.gif]Vivian Cardoza[/url] brought a huge update. “I have just gotten word that our mayor, Francis Sauveterre has retained a high profile lawyer from Miami, Conrad Wells of the famous Wells-Smith law firm. Mr. Wells is known for representing various billionaires and celebrities. His most notable client - as well as most recent - is the known-Mobster Gabriel DiVale of the DiVale Crime Family.” Vivian Cardozo stated, name dropping someone that a certain female in Beverly Hills knew very well. Adrianna was undoubtedly watching the news broadcast(as was her entire family) and when the namedrop of her brother came, everyone looked at her. She waved away their concern, holding face as she listened to Vivian Cardoza continue. “We do not know why he has retained Mr. Wells, but we will update you shortly. As always, stick with us for the quickest updates of the stories you care abo—” The TV was shut off abruptly by Baltazar as he heard enough. The room was silent for a few good minutes. Though they wanted to say something, there was never a right moment, and after the mention of Gabriel DiVale, what could they possibly say? “[color=9966cc]Francis getting Conrad on retainer was a smart move on his part. No doubt, that was the work of Simon Cross. The Wells and Cross families have a lot of history.[/color]” Adrianna broke the silence, “[color=9966cc]though, based off of the evidence presented to us by PNBC, it’s going to be a tough case to win.[/color]” “[color=6495ed]He might have to plead out,[/color]” Baltazar mused aloud. “[color=dodgerblue]Do you really think he’ll do that? Mister Sauveterre doesn’t seem like the kind of man to do that.[/color]” Alexandros asked. “[color=6495ed]Well, I have to think he doesn’t want a trial. It’s too public and if he’s convicted guilty by the grand jury, he might get more time in his sentence than he would if he pleaded out.[/color]” Baltazar explained, “[color=6495ed]Francis is a smart man, though. As Adrianna said, getting Conrad might help his chances. If he could get Gabe out on bail and with probation, then maybe it’s possible that Francis could walk away from this. But..[/color]” “[color=dodgerblue]But?[/color]” “[color=6495ed]If it’s drawn out, he might end up having to go to trial regardless.[/color]” And the room went quiet after that. They all exchanged glances, wondering what the outcome of this whole debacle would be. A few moments would pass when someone would speak. It was Alexandros. “[color=dodgerblue]So, Ava, how was Jackson’s?[/color]” His tone teased her. She punched his arm. He chuckled. [color=6495ed]“Jackson? As in that brash fellow whose father fixed my 1955 Mustang?[/color]” Baltazar inquired. “[color=dodgerblue]Yeah, that’s him.[/color]” Alexandros answered for Ava, “[color=dodgerblue]I found her at his house. She had us worried sick and she was there just hanging out.[/color]” “[color=6495ed]Nice fellow that Leonidas. His son is quite the character. Reminds me of--[/color]” “[color=mediumturquoise]We weren’t [i]just[/i] hanging out,[/color]” Ava interjected, raising her voice. She seemed defensive. “[color=9966cc]Well then tell us, honey. What were you doing over at Mr. Drake’s house?[/color]” Suddenly, her mouth uncharacteristically went shut. Alexandros noticed that his usually opinionated sister who would talk even if she wasn’t asked anything had gone completely silent. “[color=dodgerblue]What? Now you don’t have anything to say?[/color]” “[color=mediumturquoise]I swear to god, Alex, if you don’t shut your fucking mouth--[/color]” “[color=dodgerblue]There she is![/color]” Alexandros patted her head, “[color=dodgerblue]I thought we might’ve lost you.[/color]” Ava’s eyes lit up, almost as if a fire was brewing in her soft green eyes; like a forest fire seeking the next area of grass to set ablaze. And Alexandros didn’t like it one bit. Whenever she got like this, usually it was followed by something she would say fuelled by her anger alone. What Alexandros didn’t know, however, was what she was going to say, because he saw that she was trying to find the words. Good god, just don’t be what I fear. “[color=mediumturquoise]You guys act as if I was committing some kind of crime or something.[/color]” Ava shook her head vigorously, “[color=mediumturquoise]I fucking swear, you never get on Alex’s ass when he’s out all night. Or god-forbid he brings home some slut from one of his nights out on the town.[/color]” “[color=dodgerblue]Ava, I would do no such thing.[/color]” Alexandros feigned innocence. “[color=mediumturquoise]Bull. Fucking. Shit.[/color]” Ava spat at his words and gave it back to him. “[color=mediumturquoise]I can list them off if you want me to because Lord knows that there’s a lot of them. But let me just say this,[/color]” Ava took in a slightly deep breath, “[color=mediumturquoise]I don’t need to explain myself. I’m home, aren’t I? What Jackson Drake and I do is none of your business. And if you really want to know, here,[/color]” Ava handed her phone to Alex. The rest of them just looked at Ava as she bolted out of the family room, presumingly going to her room. As she did, she walked past Eli. “[color=steelblue]What’s wrong with Ava?[/color]” They all said nothing. “[color=steelblue]Sometimes this family is so boring.[/color]” Eli just went along his way, finding the air in the family room uninteresting.