Eva To say that this had been an emotional rollercoaster would be an understatement. Eva had gone from feeling guilty to feeling rather pissed. Alex did nothing to help her situation and then didn't even stick around to hear her out. This was why she did it, honestly though. She half wanted to come clean just so she could point out how silly and fucked up it all was. Why was Amelia any more important than Eva? Why does everyone coddle her? Why does everyone treat me like shit... She let out a quick sighed and was about to to turn go to her room when she noticed Amelia with her notepad. Gritting her teeth, she decided it was beat she didn't open her mouth. She nodded quietly and walked around Amelia, headed for her own room. She was going to head in but she noticed Lance, laying on someone else's bed. She rolled her eyes and stepped inside to check on him. "You okay?" She asked. "I've certainly been better." He replied, still laying down on Damar's bed. "Want to talk about it?" She asked, walking closer to him. "No." He replied, sounding defeated. Eva huffed and, very quickly, shut the door and sat down next to her brother. "I'm so pissed off." She started, crossing her legs. "Then you shouldn't have started it." Lance responded, turning to face her. He didn't open up with many people, but his and Eva's relationship was actually pretty good. "Even so, they shouldn't all gamg up on me like that. Is she more important than me? It was a prank for Christ's sake." She rambled, throwing her hands up in frustration. "It doesn't matter how small the prank you pulled, Ev, it matters that someone in our group cried. You know how they are, oversensitive and overprotective. That's not going to change just because it pissed you off." He paused to take a breath, watching her face as she seemed to be taking it all in, "If you had cried, some of us might have responded the same way." "I guess. I just feel like a black sheep right now..." She confided in him, feeling her heart drop. She never let anyone see these moments save for people she knew truly cared for her and people she had complete trust in. Lance sighed and pushed his body up and scooted over to her, wrapping his arms around her in a caring embrace. "You are loved, Ev. Don't let that one moment make you think that everyone hates you. You could do some pretty terrible stiff and I promise, I would still love you." Eva smiled softly. She didn't really believe all of that, but it was a nice feeling, the warmth of a brother. "Lets get out of Damar's room now though. It's uhh... slightly awkward." He whispered to her, chuckling awkwardmy. Eva let out a nice laugh, her anger from before almost completely gone. "Yeah. That is a bit awkward, huh?" She asked, smirking at him. "Shut up." The two quietly escaped from Damar's room and walked down towards the living room. Lance spotted the group with Damar but made a beeline for the kitchen to avoid it altogether. Eva spotted Kai and Lyn and raised her brows at them before following her brother into the kitchen where they began to quietly pillage the pantries. Meanwhile.... Elizabeth found herself staring at the pool, having been told by her staff that the situation had been resolved regardless. Satisfied with that, Elizabeth quickly went to work trying to find a way to get everyone back on speaking terms. She was smiling as she imagined her friends playing in the pool with one another, playing chicken, Marco polo, and riding on the slide. She imagined Ronnie grinning as he stood at the top off the diving board, looking down at the look of pure terror on the other's faces. Having decided that this would be the way to do it, along with watermelon and dancing music, she pulled out her phone to send a mass text. 'To all desiring a fun time, the pool is open, watermelon is available, and fun times are in your future. Bring your best smile and your enthusiasm because I'm ready to take you down at a game of chicken. Love, Liz'