[quote=@PlatinumSkink] [@Pirouette] Holy yikes, aren't you all fast today? Anyways, nicely posted. Let's see, now. Hm. ... I promised to post after Pyromaniac posted, and so I will. Yikes, this took a while. Had to write answers for everyone else who's scenes were ready, too! XD [@Pirouette] You didn't actually answer the question of how you wanted to go through, so you're asked again. If it's going too fast, tell me, I was simply assuming that you wanted in and so I had you go in. If that was too fast, tell me, and I can pull you back. That's about that. Also, general announcement. I will be on a mini-vacation next week, so probably don't expect too much postage from me during that time. My apologies about that. Anyways, have fun all, and report to me if I've made any mistakes! Haha. [/quote] Yes! I had a feeling you were going to lump in early posters on your second update. ;p And ah, yes. Darn. Oh well, Erika was a bit distracted with bumbling her way through the conversation. But no worries, it wasn't too fast! And have a good break!