[@CoyoteLovely][@Lyla] [center]Campsite-We're Going On An Adventure[/center] [center][color=fff200]Fionn Harken[/color][/center] An amused chuckle bubbled forth from Fionn as he stepped forward. It was a sound full of life and light, like what one might hear from the pixie folk of the deep woods on a warm midsummer night. The light glinted off of his very out of place armor as he cast a curious look over the campsite. The horse, the waterwheel powered spit, small mechanical toys being assembled on the spot. And the dignified aura that hung around the campsite's single occupant like an echo of some shining past. [color=fff200]"It would be our pleasure."[/color] He said politely and moved over toward the fire and the meat roasting on it. [i][color=fff200]This waterwheel is too well designed to be a spur of the moment invention. The wheel is heavy enough to prevent the water from spinning the horktal too fast and sending juice flying everywhere. All the joints are well oiled and I'm not seeing any rust.[/color][/i] He turned to Nakreyya and asked. [color=fff200]"Travel far?"[/color]