"IT RIPPED OFF ONE OF ITS ARMS?! NO WAY! How can your mobile suits fight past that point?! The crippling damage would've done me in by now, even in a unit as durable as the EVA out there in the hangar!" Kanoko was burning through her meal like no tomorrow, the anxiety from watching the battle causing her to consume it in anticipation. Burning Gundam had the Dragon Gundam on the ropes, but with the sheer determination of its pilot, had transcended into something that looked like it was giving even Domon Kasshu trouble. Even still, the Burning Gundam avenged the loss of its right hand by slamming its flaming left right into the waist of its opponent, suffusing it in an infernal heat which could only be matched by the magnificent radiance of the sun. "HEAT END!" Domon bellowed at the top of his lungs as Kanoko watched the video timer start to count down to its final moments. She was so enthralled that when Alice came up and planted the camera footage she took with Deathscythe and the archived video of Epyon, she jumped a little, nearly spilling her plate. "Ah, shit! Sorry, sorry, sorry, I was uh...a little too focused. I'm Kanoko Tanegashi, of the RX-78EVA you see out there. Y'nno, the one that's kinda bland in comparison but still looks like a Gundam?" She joked, trying to shrug off the embarrassment. "You want us to take a look?" The footage of the Epyon itself was very impressive...a drake, or a wyvern, of European myth in design, it was extraordinarily agile, with a lethal tail that was at its beck and call. She scratched at her chin a little, looking at the one that the Deathscythe took recently. "Is there any way to zoom in? See if we can't enhance it a little and clean it up."