[@Rhiannon] Are multiple characters allowed? If not, I'd like to swap Kantus out for an actual student. [hider=Ethra][b]Given Name[/b]: Ethra [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Age[/b]: 19 [b]Species[/b]: Unspecified humanoid-owl type creature [b]Appearance[/b]: [hider=Digital depiction (forgive the low quality, Imgur's fault)][img]http://i.imgur.com/vnjWpWw.jpg?1[/img][/hider] [b]In-Depth Appearance[/b]: Ethra stands at 5'5. Her unclothed body is that of a gaunt, pale-skinned, young human female's, with six limbs - two legs morphing into light pink bird feet halfway down the calf, two thin human arms, and two wings covered in white, messy feathers. [b]Brief Personality[/b]: Ethra is the reserved sort, someone who normally stays out of others' affairs, though this is not out of shyness - rather, she simply doesn't find merit in most social interactions, preferring to focus on her studies. However, she is keen on observing closeby events when they transpire, be they involving her fellow students or otherwise. She is not oppossed to making acquaintances but, she doesn't go out of her way to make it happen. [b]Familiar Name[/b]: Ersk [b]Familiar Form[/b]: Ersk takes the form of a large, hairless, sickly mouse, his body covered in several lesions and tumors. Supplementary information - Ethra hails from a small, magically sheltered community that consists primarily of nonhuman-looking creatures, some belonging to the same owl-like species as her. She enrolled in Silverspell by the blessing and monetary grant of her extended family, who recognized her desire to explore and learn more about the supernatural world. Of course, not her [i]entire[/i] family feels such an education is even necessary, but she pays them no mind.[/hider]