[@Overlord Thraka][@Pyromaniacwolf] Tarz scrambled away for his captors kicking up dust as he tried to push off faster and get sprinting down the cave to his master. Anything to get Mortan's considerable magic between himself and these monsters. He didnt run for long before sprinting directly into one of Mortan's Ghouls, which he bounced off with a grunt. "My lord" the necromancer called "Yes, yes, make way" Mortan commands with a sleight wave of his hand and the wall of Ghouls parted. The necromancer walked forward, still slightly terrified of the creatured he encountered and visibly shaking. A reaction Mortan found most distasteful, a coward? in his ranks? He ignored the precieved sleight while he waited for the coward to report on what happened. "My Lord i was captured-" he started, but Mortan interrupted "I am aware of that, who commanded the raised? who was their master?" "Bonemelder. and, Tiaz The Twisted Shaman i think they said. Bonemelder was called a 'wolf lord' i think he is a ware. i- im not sure. and Tiaz! he was a tiger thing maybe a ware too." Mortan sighed, granted "bone melder" and "Twisted Shaman" where right up his alley but this necromancer was pathetic, he would make a better slave than apprentice. But he would have to deal with that later, as much as the apprentice disappointed him the pair of creatures ahead was more of a curiosity that he desired to meet. Maybe allies, maybe a pawn to be used for his own ends either way it was probably going to be an improvement of his station. Mortan began to walk forward, leaving his Ghouls behind but his fallen knight still surrounded him like an Honor Guard for a king or lord. Mortan stepped into the room with the two creatures, he looked thin and frail when compared to his knights, like that of an old man leaning on his staff for support. It did not appear as if he needed it to stand but he was certainly putting some of his weight on it. His skin drawn tight against his bones like a dry or mummified corpse. The only significantly noticeable part was the soft glow of purple from behind his eyes. and the polished armor sticking out from his dusty tattered robes. When he spoke his voice was a dry rasp like his body was deteriorating even though he was obviously kept alive through magic, he looked at the larger of the two, the tiger like creature. "the The Twisted Shaman I presume" and turning to Vaulthuz "And Bone Melder the Wolf lord. This is a very... interesting congregation. Allow me to introduce myself properly, I am The Gave Lord Mortan a Lich, in search of a new home. If i may be so bold as to ask, what is your puropse here?"