[h2]Gameplay[/h2] Actions you take in-world may well affect it. While it may not have an affect on the overall plot, it will change how certain characters react to you. While no current plans are in place for how particular actions will change it, that is because part of it must be written as we go. [h3]Renown: 0[/h3] Nobody knows you. [h3]Infamy: 0[/h3] You're... respectable. [h3]Status: 0[/h3] You have little sway in even minor circles. [h3]NPC Reactions[/h3] NPCs may change state depending on the above point systems, or through actions taken around them. Certain NPC actions can also affect the world depending on how the gladiators react. [h3]Combat[/h3] In combat, all players must post at least once before the battle can proceed, and all posts generally can only take roughly six seconds of 'time'. This is to keep things synchronised, so to speak. Essentially it turns into a turn-based system for the duration of a fight, but more focused on narrative than on statistics. You can also choose to take hits from opponents if you wish, but I may also take action as a DM. [h3]Resources[/h3] Currently, everything for the group will be coming out of Endar's pocket, but in the future, once the team's earned some prize money, they'll be using that, to buy better equipment, pay for lodging and transport, so on and so forth. [b]Gold:[/b] 0 (further resources may be added at a later point, or this section may be removed altogether)