[@pyromaniacwolf][@sophrus] Tiaz grins maniacally under his hood and nods to Vaulthuz. Glad that the Lycan seems to have accepted his offer of alliance. "Very well. We hear them out." He shuffles slowly to move beside Vaulthuz, then turns to face the door. Each step seems to cause him pain and he leans heavily on his own staff, a twisted stave of oak with a razor sharp obsidian head embedded in the top. He looks over at Vaulthuz once more before the host arrives. "Of course Wolflord! I have seen much battle. I would request however, that you leave at least 4 men alive should things so South. I shall require them for... rituals..." He grins maniacally again, yellow eyes glowing from under the shadows of his hood. He watches the humans return casually, content to merely watch Vaulthuz deal with them, though his smile vanishes at mention of his hated title. "You presume correctly human." He looks the man up and down. "Hm, your body rots, yet you still live on. Why would either of us want such a weak thing as yourself alongside us? Or even under our command?" [@LMPKIO] [@JaceBeleren] Mergoux's helmet, already loose from being slammed repeatedly into the ground, finally slips off her head as she's jerked upwards. It clatters to the ground and the woman snarls in rage as her long Elven ears, pierced with many a ring and stud. She gasps for air as her throat is released, choking and coughing, then tries to pull the dagger out of the creature's wrist, and ram it into it's throat.