"Tyler, it's Kate," She said, hearing the concern in Tyler's voice, "Its about Ele, she... Well... Tony got to her and they fell. Ele is getting tests done, but she's not awake, I think you need to be here." Movement caught Kate's eye and she stood when she saw the attending coming towards her, "Hang on, the doctor is here, I'll put you on speaker." Pulling the phone away from her ear, Kate held it in her hand as the doctor explained what was being seen. "She's a very lucky young lady, that fall could have done far worse. At the moment we're seeing some swelling, but nothing out of the norm. She's still unconscious, but if she comes to soon we can look to release her in a couple days. We will be admitting her for observation, and once she's settled in she can have visitors." "Thank you, Doctor." Kate said, taking the phone off speaker and speaking to Tyler again, this time her voice was lowered, "The first person she'll want to see is definitely not me, so I hope to God you're packing a bag to come out here and be with her. If not, you need to gracefully exit her life. She is like my sister, and I will protect her heart like its my own. So what's it going to be?"