[center][h3][color=ed1c24]Fia Rozenkreuz[/color] and [color=fff200]Erin[/color][/h3][/center] The way Edge ran away indeed seemed to be a little strange, but Auriel was even more preoccupied about him. "With him acting this way, I think the best course would be to talk with him while he does some practice drills... I know him well and he's usually more perceptive during training." she said, looking to Erin. [color=fff200]"I know... Fia is very serious about her training as well. She says it calms her down."[/color] Erin said to Auriel. She knew exactly the feeling, since her summoner was surprisingly similar to Auriel's. [color=ed1c24]"Maybe that will be better. I feel like this whole incident was my fault. I wish to solve this misunderstanding as soon as possible."[/color] Fia said, agreeing with Auriel. "I'll bring him out to the training mats in the gym to meet you both. Fia if you can handle a sword you could spare against him if you like." Auriel said, flying away. [color=fff200]"A sword... Its been a long time since you've practiced with one, right Fia?"[/color] Erin asked, smiling. [color=ed1c24]"Yes. It will good to practice my swordsmanship. Although the bow is my preferred weapon, i was also trained to be able to wield a sword... It may not be as good as my marksmanship, but its something."[/color] Fia said, smiling awkwardly. Erin knew that fia didn't liked to use swords. They were heavy and unwieldy in her opinion. But Fairi also had something to say about all that situation. [color=green]"Hm... Actually, Erin, maybe we should let those two go for a few minutes. Give them some time to talk it out, hm?"[/color] Fia looked at Fairi, thanking her with a discreet nod. Erin wasn't known for holding her tongue, and sometimes her sincerity could cause more trouble than help. Even if she didn't mean any harm, her words could hurt others' feelings. [color=fff200]"But Fia and I usually train toget-"[/color] Erin was saying, before being interrupted by Fia. [color=fff200]"I know, but i don't want you to see my pathetic swordsmanship Erin!"[/color] Fia said, laughing. Actually, she only wanted to make sure that Erin wouldn't say something to offend Edge. [color=green]"Just for a short bit? Maybe we could go outside? Oh, I haven't introduced you to my summon either! He's a bit of a grumpy pants, and I doubt his shoulders would fit in this hallway so I'd have to summon him outside anyway. You'd enjoy teasing him, wouldn't you?"[/color] Fairi said, extending her hand to Erin. [color=fff200] "Ooh~~ That's right!! I haven't met him yet! Is he big? Surely he isn't that grumpy! Lets go!"[/color] Erin said, jumping with excitement and taking Fairi's hand. [color=ed1c24]"Thank you, Fairi."[/color] Fia whispered, with a discreet smile, going inside the closet to change her clothes again. Wearing casual clothes to train was simply unthinkable for Fia. Getting to the Gym, Fia saw Auriel together with Edge, training with some practice blades. [color=ed1c24]"Edge, I'm sorry for what happened earlier. It was my fault. I didn't warn you that i would change my clothes. It was rude of me, since that room was originally yours."[/color] Fia said, bowing her head, apologizing herself. [color=ed1c24]"Although my swordsmanship isn't nearly as good as my marksmanship, I would gladly practice with you, as Auriel suggested."[/color] She said, looking to them, waiting for Edge's answer. Training was usually how Fia passed her time. She was calmer and more relaxed while training. She hoped that Edge felt the same thing as her. [@Apollosarcher] [@Cherrywitch]