Day in, day out, Noriko tended to follow the same approach after school: go back to her apartment, get changed into something more traditional than her school's western-style uniform, and then go out looking for something to eat. It had been a routine punctuated only by illness during her first year here and was now only interrupted by the need to make patrols at odd times. Today was no different and the white-haired girl couldn't resist bemoaning her routine to the fairy perched on a stack of magazines as she worked on tying the knot to stop her clothing from falling open. "I wish that my peers would stay behind so that we might begin to know each other more. Considerations such as school work or parents that might wonder at a long absence might explain it, yet... how are we to operate together properly if we cannot even speak of our joint experiences?" [color=springgreen]"The established girls are more likely to view this is a job or popularity contest. Meet the new ones."[/color] "Ah... but I had hoped to meet those that I already know of. For this to be so much like the idol industry is disappointing." With the pale blue kimono now held firmly in place, and a fairy firmly hiding in her bag, Noriko exited her apartment and started towards the nearby convenience store. Takoyaki sounded appealing right about now... but it wouldn't form a complete meal. Maybe she'd be able to get some later amidst looking around for Negari. [i]That[/i] was a thought.