[center][b][h3][color=#ff8566]Sister Sophia[/color][/h3][/b] Location: the Park - Quenched Forest Cinders Talking with: Jin Sunrise [@floodtalon] [/center] She hadn’t actually thought about the alias situation while she had been here. Far more pressing issues at hand she supposed. Considering they had given her the name of her rank/occupation sunspot was an odd alias in comparison. She wondered if it meant something somewhere. [color=#ff8566]”Sophia or Seraphim. Up to you”[/color] She continued her steady trudging through the woods towards her destination as she listened to Jin [Color=darkorange]"Well I kill people for money. And fun. I think whatever religion exists I'm going to hell. So unless your religion is cool with pointless murder than no."[/color] Ah, so he was an assassin, or perhaps a mercenary. His phrasing suggested the former. Useful information if this did come to blows. However she thought that maybe it might not, seeing as her religion wasn’t one of those soft ones that preached mercy and compassion. The Ecclesiarchy was very fond of fire and brimstone approach, she imagined Jin might fit in more than he expected. [color=#ff8566]”with pointless murder? No. But murder with a purpose? The destruction of the enemies of mankind, the purging of the corrupt and the inhuman from this world? From all worlds! ”[/color] The woman's voice rose with a fiery passion through her speech [Color=ff8566]"Jin, there is no greater service to the Emperor than to destroy his enemies. From the battlefield to their most private sanctums: no-mater where they die every dead foe is one step closer to glory! Join me, turn your skills to a holy purpose and you shall be rewarded. In this life you shall reap the gains of humanity and when you die in his service you shall ascend to the Emperor's table to live eternal."[/color] In the background Geromory become increasingly disgusted with Sophia's preaching. [color=#ff8566]”Join us Jin and save your mortal soul from damnation! Join me and we can end this charade of a tournament together. With out forces combined we can destroy the xenos filth and heretical technology that infests these ruins. Think to yourself, is what you desire truly worth trusting a machine that devours souls? How could such a device possibly not be evil? It will inevitably betray you and do something awful instead! After all, this used to be a thriving city, the most advanced in the world. Yet you must have seen it, seen the empty streets, the ruins. What if that device is responsible? What might it do if fed again? Tell me your desire Jin, tell me what you crave so greatly that it is worth this risk?”[/color] She finished, panting slightly. By the time she had finished her raving she was almost halfway to the supply cache.