[center][h2]Corporal James Hunt|Vacation with Strings[/h2][/center] As each person loaded up on the truck to the train, James did a head count of each person who got on, making sure everyone who was supposed to be there was there, and then doing another after Carn, who would need a reminder that showing up late all the time was not an acceptable thing, Darcsen NCO or no. Once that was done, he climbed in next to the driver and told him to get going. After a decent drive, made longer by the necessity of allowing real military convoys by, they managed to catch the train. Hunt rushed everyone on, making sure they all presented their tickets as they raced aboard and making sure the more packed squad members got their packs stowed properly. Once that was all done, he set to find a seat of his own, spotting Lily with one of the squad's new members. Approaching, the new member, Reinhardt if his memory served, since he made a point of avoiding looking at her name tag due to it's placement on the chest, excused herself and headed off to get beverages. Holding up his flask, James took a seat across from Lily and waited until the door was closed to look at her. She was even cuter when she was-[i]Cut that out, you. You're her superior officer. At least wait until you're out of uniform.[/i] Deciding to distract himself, he struck up conversation. "So, crazy luck getting a trip to the capitol after Vasel, huh?"