Suwako watched as her targets managed to escape both her and Alicia's arrows. [i]Tch, clever. Looks like I have to step up my game a little.[/i] However, before she could continue her attacks, she saw a thin beam of psychic energy coming after her. Knowing that psychic energy usually cannot be blocked, she instead dodged away, by jumping down from where she was and creating another tree stump to stand onto. Of course, she could always call upon her familiar and transform it to its giant eagle mode for better mobility, but she figured she still wanted to conserve her strength as she gauged her opponents' skills and abilities. [i]How about this then? Can you dodge all of them, I wonder?[/i] She focused her mind and gathered her magic energy. And then, she unleashed it to where Umeko was, creating dozens of wooden tendrils jutting out from the ground surrounding the girl. Indeed, it was a similar attack that she just had used against the enraged magical-turned-monster girl. With her having her full concentration from a distance, she could manipulate her vines freely without any danger to herself. And when one of them landed, she could use it to pin where her enemy was and finish her off with her arrow. It was truly quite the deadly combination. [@skarsgard]