"Do the thing!" Before Simon could finish his sentence, Tes was pushing a small glass vial of pure pomegranate extract into his palm. She was fascinated how one man could do so many spells. Even with the unlocked version of Mage Wars, Tes was only able to successfully complete blood magic, though recently, she'd been able to move very light weight pebbles with a spell in the app. Just then, she finally spotted the person she'd been wondering about. "Demetrius!" She shouted, pulling her sunglasses off and grinning toothily. "You're adorable!" She told him, running up to him and grabbing his shoulders gently. "Look at you--you're absolutely [i]precious.[/i]" She giggled. "Yeah, it's nice to meet you in person, hey, no need for formalities." She smiled, tugging her scarf up a bit when she noticed people staring. She put her sunglasses back on, giving him an apologetic look over her sudden outburst. "Hey, do y'all hear music?" She asked, tilting her head.