[@Spinna] Yeah because I was thinking about how all of the fandoms I'm in the fans have names for themselves kept the su fandom. idk its just a topic for the oc chat EDIT: Has no one noticed the dome cage around the portal yet? XD Also isn't it a little ironic that Enhydro agate stole the warp pad from where we want to put base and now that homeworld is here the need one, I'm not the only one who thinks that a little ironic? Another question, are we allowed to add NPCs or like minor human characters?? [Hider= Diamond Theory] Okay so what if Blue and Pink were secretly in love with each other and blue diamond aided in the creation of pink diamond on earth ,since that giant whole in the planet's surface and in her mural she is depicted to be bursting out of the ground, so like our amethyst she calls earth her home enhance the reason why she only has one planet. So blue and pink got to together and might have even fused because of hiw.strong their love for each other was but yellow found out and become jealous of pink, which is why yellow looked so happy to destroy the rest of pink diamond and when she got to hold blie diamomd in the latest episode, and so because of these feelings she decided to hire one of pink's own most trusted soldier (Our Rose Quartz) to poof pink diamond while yellow pearl was already off helping yellow pearl with something, her sapphires already taken care of and the other rose quartz soldiers were probably in on it too. Once pink diamond was poofed, yellow diamomd decided to take it apon herself to shatter pink diamond so she could have blue diamind and the planet to herself so she could grow strong enough to over throw white diamond all because Yellow diamond knows that she is fake, and not a true diamond, because yellow diamonds in the real world are man made, she isn't a real diamond, she is the weekest diamond. By doing all of this she is able to prove that she is the stronger one, the better one, the best diamond. [/hider]