[center][color=FF0000][h2]Morann Arnhar | Cell 098 [/h2][/color] Morann's eyes narrowed at the name. So this 'Tamrin' was the latter voice. Interesting that he would offer up his name so freely. But then again, off-worlders were- slightly- odd. That he asked if she was alright however... It was either a trap, or he honestly was concerned. If he was concerned she could use that and this fool to her plans of escape. Possibly if he was fool enough and useful enough she would keep him on. If he was not... Abandonment or death waited for this Tamrin at her hands. Harsh, but she had more to think of than some poor sod. Rolling her shoulders, she curled her legs under her. Readying to launch herself forward while looking all the more vulnerable. The 'sad little girl' routine was not something that worked in the Temple, but here. Oh, it had potential. [i]"He said 'game grounds', right? That almost sounds as if..."[/i] The first voice was talking again. She tilted her head slightly. 'Game grounds' it indeed sound like they were in trouble. Some game for another's amusement. Again, something that happened between the elder and younger students at the Temple. Hazing- some called it. She rather term it 'weeding out the weak'. But the fact that in ten seconds there would be a drop, and they would have a half hour to prepare. That worried the dark woman. She had a slight plan however.... "Prepare? For what? What do they want from us?" She pitched her voice high again, as if in fright once more. A sly smile of approval hung in her mind. Let her see who came to her aid and who knew her for what she was. [/center]