[center][h3][b][color=00C5CD]E[/color][color=00898F]lise[/color] [color=00C5CD]H[/color][color=00898F]artell[/color] & [color=ff6699]S[/color][color=FFA3C1]carlett[/color][/b][/h3] [sub][@CoyoteLovely][@Silvan Haven][@LPRKN][/sub][/center] Elise continued to stay near Fionn's side, apparently keeping herself quiet. She had always been more of a thinker and less of a talker, but Fionn had gotten used to that by now. In fact, the only person that made her talk the most was Scarlett - usually trying to warn her off of some dangerous path. That was her nature though - stoic, serious, and yet kind-hearted. Maybe she saw in Scarlett what she could've been from the beginning, if she hadn't such rotten luck. Then again, losing memory? That was pretty awful luck, she guessed. Either way, she kept quiet, watching the exchange mostly with a light hand on the hilt of her blade. As the halfling came to sit by the fire, Scarlett offered a soft smile, laying the toy bird in her lap. She idly rubbed the nightmare steed's nose as she watched the man. Since she seemed so unphased by most of the going ons, it was hard to tell what exactly she was thinking. However another sideways glance to Nak might have given the tiniest of hints. Suddenly, [b][color=ff6699]"he has to know some magic."[/color][/b] Her eyes found the hobbit once more, giving off a polite smile. [b][color=ff6699]"Otherwise he'd have more supplies for a journey.."[/color][/b] She quickly eyed the riding dog for a moment. [b][color=ff6699]"Hardly enough food or drink, no weapons for hunting.."[/color][/b] With that, she trailed off, shrugging. In the moment, Elise realized she was right - how could one hunt without a weapon? Magic, of course. [i][color=00C5CD]'Clever girl..'[/color][/i]