Nakreyya inclined her head as her name was spoken by Fionn. She finished slicing a fair amount of meat, enough to feed the five of them easily (TC included), and reversed her grip on the knife in her hand. With a quick motion the knife was wiped clean against her pants, and slid home in the sheath at her back, she offered the plate around to her companions for each to eat if they desired. Once all had something to eat, Nakreyya took a moment to retrieve her notebook once again, writing the names of locations down for later reference. Ecetopia, they had said. Fionn had specifically referred to the planet. That was uncommon - were these travelers also from other worlds? She had met some like her... well - she had met some that traveled, very few traveled through Nightmares to get to their next destination. She wondered if Scarlett was correct that TC used magic - it seemed plausible, certainly. And magic was quite the efficient means of not needing near as much gear for survival. Nakreyya had always been jealous of the interesting magicks that Masreon and Luraleth were capable of accomplishing - back when they had all been friends, oh so many years ago. [i]There is no sense in dwelling upon the past, Nak... You are here now and here is where your mind should linger. [/i] She chided herself quietly. "Is this New Bastion some market town or location of some reputation?" Nakreyya asked, directing her question quietly toward Elise and Scarlett, so as not to interrupt any flow of conversation between Fionn and TC. As she awaited an answer, she drew one of the strips of meat up for herself, and ate. [@Silvan Haven] [@Lyla] [@LPRKN]