[@Patches] [@Nashie] Astrid pulled back alongside the cowboy as her Mist faded from the air around them, spinning her blades impatiently, just waiting for her opponent to reveal a bluff. [color=a187be]"What do you mean about dhis 'greater one?' What purpose does it serve to break dhe Old Padh from within? Dhey are nearly obsolete."[/color] As Johnny replied about the papers, she nodded. [color=a187be]"I have some, yes."[/color] Here was hoping there were answers somewhere... if not here, then with the other group, should they have survived their own fight. [hr] [@Patches] [@MercuryNH] [color=82ca9d]"Mercury, you an' Daud go grab the journal in Gustrag's room. Gregor, you an' me should cover 'em. We've got range on pretty much anythin' that might come through here."[/color] Duff said as he stowed his sabre and revolver and began reloading his rifle. [color=82ca9d]"Hurry now, eh? We can be outta here before anyone else arrives."[/color] He grimaced in pain. His shoulder was probably bleeding something fierce. Once they were out, some bandages and painkillers would suffice until he could heal naturally. Hopefully this didn't fuck his shoulder up like that one Amalgamate did his leg all those years ago. [color=82ca9d]"Go!"[/color]