[center][img]https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/005/673/101/large/noemi-varnai-uhh.jpg?1492901534[/img] [i]Y-you can see me?[/i][/center] [b]Taken Name[/b]: Griffin [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Age[/b]: somewhere in his early twenties, technically around his mid forties. [b]Species[/b]: Eaten [b]Appearance[/b]: A scrapper through and through, Griffin has a body that is well developed to fighting, running, and other forms of mischief. He is a little on the smaller side, being 5'9, and while he doesn't particularly care it would be a mistake to repeatedly bring it up. Griffin wraps himself in bandages that cover much of his body, namely the head, torso, and extremities. On top of that he wears anything he can scrounge from a thrift store, usually t-shirts, flannels, tough jeans, and steel toed kickers. However he has also made some rather flamboyant purchases like a sleeveless denim vest pockmarked with various buttons, leather biker chaps, and a purple "Pimp hat" he stole from an actual pimp. The only omnipresent object in his wardrobe is a pair of thick, heavily tinted sunglasses. [b]Brief Personality[/b]: Griffin is a 1980 metalhead that never really left that decade. He's rough and rowdy, always looking for something to keep his heart pounding and the adrenaline pumping. Thinking ahead is nearly anathema to him and impulse control is foreign concept, instead always living in the moment and leaving tomorrow's hangover to tomorrow's Griffin. However this isn't to say he's all tequila and blow, catch him on a slow day and you'll find the enthusiastic potion brewer who is always eager to talk shop or silent motorcyclist who's always got an open seat for someone who needs it. Yet deeper still you'll find the real Griffin, a desperate man who tries in vain to fill a void that can't be patched over. Admittedly has a substance abuse problem, albeit a fairly mundane one compared to what he could be filling himself with. [b]Familiar[/b]: A large, almost purple raven named Poe. She's a total sweetheart. [center] [b]Theme[/b]: [YouTube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LZxjkcHHgY[/YouTube][/center]