[@Dark Wind] That is actually a rather interesting video. Speaking as one of the energetic and well educated people who opted to emigrate, I can see some of his points. Do people really conflate immigration and world poverty though? Also I really want a gumball now... [quote=@Dark Wind] [@Penny] Lmao. Enjoy! [/quote] *Giggle* turns out I did want to know! [@POOHEAD189] I'm not saying that people would stop killing each other all together if we could remove religion. People kill each other just fine for good old fashioned Nationalism, or for Geopolitics. I'm just contending that it has unequivocally been the source of countless horrors throughout the years. The kind of thinking that allows any act to be justified in the name of religion allows people to commit any act. It is even arguable that part of the problem with Stalinist Russia is that they make the State a religion. Religion contends that their are truths that should never be questioned. That sort of thinking can be dangerous. I'm also happy to concede that for most people religion isn't a source of violence or extremism. Great religious art exists, people can be motivated to do good because God says so but it is a mental shortcut which is always open for exploitation.