Yami's widened at the sudden turn of which had no made sense to him till he had thought about it as well and come to what the cause was. He had not expected his Dark Magician to be turned on him but as Shadow was explaining what had happened and what the card did that Pegasus did not explain. Wanting him to think about it himself. Though looking at the time, Yami knew he needed to act fast and so without further distraction, he draw a card and placed it on the monster zone to see Summoned Skull (ATK:2500, DEF:1200) and instantly went for the attack. "Summoned Skull! Attack Pegasus!" Yami commanded and did as it was told, summoning a ball of lightning and going to strike down the the CEO when everything vanished that was the Duel. Yami looked shocked and felt some disappointment that he did not take out the CEO fast enough.