Qualities are on Step 6.1 if you need to look them up. Ammunition: NOTE: Prices for ammunition are per bullet due to the difficulty in making or finding new caches of ammunition. .50GL 'Thunder': These heavy rounds are an intermediate round suitable for heavy pistols and many large-caliber rifles and machineguns. Stats: Quantity per Purchase: 2 Tech Level IV Value: 70 Special Rules: Gives the loaded weapon the 'Thunderstrike' Quality.[/spoiler] .357 'Brass': This ammunition is one of the more common types available, and enough exist that any relatively modern city (Tech Level III minimum) can make new casings and slugs. Packs a decent punch. Stats Quantity per Purchase: 5 Tech Level: IV Value: 20 .44 'Alpine': These heavy rounds were recently recovered from a massive arms cache in Borca, flooding the markets and soon new ones were being cast by weapon-smiths. Stats Quantity per Purchase: 6 Tech Level: IV Value: 50 5.56x45mm UEO 'Finger': Named for it's size, the standard UEO round is more difficult to make and reload, and many supplies still rely on finding UEO supply caches and bases. Stats Quantity per Purchase: 8 Tech Level: IV Value: 60 High-Frequency Full Metal Jacket: This is 5.56x45mm ammunition that has been redesigned by the Ember Syndicate into the standard ammo for their Trailblazers. Stats: Quantity per Purchase: 20 Tech Level: IV Value: 80 High-Frequency Hollow Point: Hollow-point ammunition designed to be fired by a Trailblazer. Stats Quantity per Purchase: 30 Tech Level: IV Value: 80 Special Rule: Does full damage if Armor is under 2. Armor 3+ reduces damage by half. Bonus Damage from Triggers is unaffected. Hunter Fletchette 'Splitter': This ammunition uses specialized plastic casings, and is designed to split apart into serrated shards in the body. It is impossible to reload, there are no known manufacturers, and the only weapon that fires this ammunition is extremely rare to find. Stats: Quantity per Purchase: 2 Tech Level: V Value: 220 4.6x30mm UEO: Standard pistol ammunition for all NATO and later UEO handguns and submachineguns. Typically found in abandoned barracks, but is being manufactured in relatively large but sporadic numbers. Stats Quantity per Purchase: 10 Tech Level: IV Value: 30 9mm UEO: An increasing rarity, typically found in the abandoned quarters of UEO officers or vehicle crews. This ammunition is more often manufactured by weapon smiths for the Legion, who typically choose it to load their Marvels with. [spoiler=Stats] Quantity per Purchase: 6 Tech Level: IV Value: 40[/spoiler] 5x30mm Caseless: This ammunition is completely enveloped in it's propellant, which is more explosive than standard bullets. Impossible to make with current technology, even a weapon that can fire this ammunition is nearly impossible to find. [spoiler=Stats] Quantity per Purchase: 3 Tech Level: V Value: 180[/spoiler] 12-Gauge Scattershot: Scrappers love finding shotgun shells in the ruins. Reloading is easy and the shells can be packed with all manner of projectiles. Since the discovery of the first caches, the shotgun is becoming more common in the hands of wealthy warriors and hunters. [spoiler=Stats] Quantity per Purchase: 5 Tech Level: III Special Rules: Possesses the 'Scatter' Quality. Value: 10[/spoiler] 12-Gauge Slug: These rifled slugs are commonly found near stockpiles of pump-action shotguns and are only barely more difficult to make, mostly in terms of rifling. [spoiler=Stats] Quantity per Purchase: 10 Tech Level: III Value: 20[/spoiler] Lead Bullet And Black Powder: Lead Bullets are made by dropping liquid lead onto thick fabric panels. Rammed into muzzle-loading weapons, the Sheriffs are the main manufacturer and user of Lead Bullets. [spoiler=Stats] Quantity per Purchase: 40 bullets and 50 ounces of Black Powder Tech Level: III Value: 10[/spoiler] E-Cube: E-Cubes are rechargeable power units developed in secret during the Cold War that are used as a universal power source. Unfortunately, the plans for these things were lost forever in the winds of the panic. Some Engineers spend thier whole lives looking for these cubes. [spoiler=Stats] Quantity per Purchase: N/A Tech Level: V Value: 1000[/spoiler] Arrows/Nails: Useful for hunting or killing someone silently. [spoiler=Stats] Quantity per Purchase: 6 Tech Level: I Value: 1[/spoiler] Crossbow Bolts: These small, dart-like steel arrows are designed for crossbows, and while used for hunting, are often used instead for war. [spoiler=Stats] Quantity per Purchase: 9 Tech Level: II Value: 5[/spoiler] [hr][/hr] Projectile Weapons (AGI+Projectiles): The most common way to kill someone nowadays. Ugh! But it is DAMN effective. But, there are some people who get thier jollies from popping one in someone's skull. But, guns are more effective than Melee weapons, but are much more higher maintenance than other weapons. Crossbow: In this new age, this weapon returns to settle quarrels. [spoiler=Stats] Distance (Short/Long): 15/60 Start of Deviation: 60 Feet Damage: 1D8+Projectiles skill Ammo Type: Crossbow Bolts Magazine: 1 Qualities: None Encumbrance: 3 Tech Level: II Mod Slots: 1 Mods: Knife for Melee Attacks, Barbed wire for Bolts to have Piercing Crit Quality Value: 20 Durability: Three days without constant Repair. Kills Required to Master: 50 [/spoiler] Blow Gun: Remember. Blow, don't Suck. [spoiler=Stats] Distance (Long/Short): 3/12 Damage: 1d4+Projectiles Ammo Type: Nails Magazine: 1 Crit Qualities: Encumbrance: 0 Tech Level: I Mod Slots: 0 Value: 30[/spoiler] Bow: With the rarity of actual ammunition these days, the Bow is cost-effective and comparatively easier to make. [spoiler=Stats] Start of Deviation: 25 feet. Distance (Short/Long): 10/40 Damage: 1d6+(F/3) Magazine: 1 Ammo Type: Arrows Encumbrance: 1 Tech Level: I Mod Slots: 2 Mods: Scope for Double Distance, rags and oil for flaming Quality Arrows. Value: 200 Durability: Twelve days without proper care. Kills Required to Master: 40 [/spoiler] Composite Bow: A Bygone-era bow of high-tensile carbon, heavy-duty cable and tension-increasing pulleys. [spoiler=Stats] Distance (Short/Long): 15/60 Damage: 1d8+(F/3) Magazine: 1 Ammo Type: Arrows Encumbrance: 1 Tech Level: IV Mod Slots: 2 Value: 2000 Mods: TBF Durability: Ten days without repairs. Kills Required to Master: 40 [/spoiler] Repeating Crossbow: This Crossbow houses a spring-loaded magazine to carry more than one crossbow bolt at a time, loading at the same time the drawstring is pulled back. [spoiler=Stats] Handling: N/A Distance (Short/Long): 15/60 Damage: 10 Magazine: 4 Ammo Type: Crossbow Bolts Encumbrance: 2 Tech Level: III Mod Slots: 0 Durability: Eleven days without proper care. Kills Required to Master: 50 Value: 2000[/spoiler] Heavy Crossbow: Larger, and more powerful, this can drive a crossbow bolt clean through solid hardwood. [spoiler=Stats] Distance (Short/Long): 20/80 Damage: 1D12 Magazine: 1 Encumbrance: 4 Tech Level: II Mod Slots: 0 Value: 800 Durability: Eight days without repairs. Kills Required to Master: 40 [/spoiler] [hr][/hr] Pistols: (AGI+Projectiles) NOTE: Pistols can be purchased in different calibers but only 9mm, 4.6mm, .357, .44 and .50GL calibers. Automatic Pistols cannot take .44 or .50GL calibers. Simply exchange pistol caliber and damage for the new ammo. Automatic Pistol: Standard-issue Bygone sidearm. [spoiler=Stats] Ammo Type: 4.6x30mm Distance (Short/Long): 10/40 Damage: 1d6+Projectiles/2 Magazine: 20 Qualities: None Encumbrance: 1 Tech Level: IV Mod Slots: 2 Value: 2500 Mods: Scope for Double Distance. Durability: Twenty days without proper care. Kills Required to Master: 50 [/spoiler] Old-Model Pistol: This is an older model of pistol, but still serviceable. [spoiler=Stats] Ammo Type: 9mm UEO Distance (Short/Long): 10/40 Damage: 1D10+Projectile/3 Magazine: 12 Qualities: None Encumbrance: 1 Tech Level: III Mod Slots: 1 Value: 1200 Mods: Scope for more Distance. Durability: Kills Required to Master: 65 [/spoiler] Revolver: A design older than the Bygone age, most in the markets are old, but newer ones are being made in limited numbers by dedicated gunsmiths. [spoiler=Stats] Ammo Type: .44 Alpine Distance (Short/Long): 10/40 Damage: 1d12+Projectile/2 Magazine: 6 Qualities: None Encumbrance: 1 Tech Level: III Mod Slots: 1 Value: 1200 Mods: Rifle stock for Rifle mods. Durability: nine days without proper care. Kills Required to Master: 90 [/spoiler] Heavy Pistol: This is a heavy-caliber pistol designed primarily for hunting and self-defence in combat zones against armoured opposition. [spoiler=Stats] Ammo Type: .50GL Handling: N/A Distance (Short/Long): 10/40 Damage: 2D6 Magazine: 12 Qualities: -Thunderstrike Encumbrance: 1 Tech Level: IV Mod Slots: 0 Value: 2800 Durability: Ten days without repairs. Kills Required to Master: 50 [/spoiler] Signal Pistol: This gun fires flares that are used to alert people, or potentially set things on fire. [spoiler=Stats] Ammo Type: Flare Distance (Short/Long): 15/60 Damage: 5 Magazine: 1 Qualities: -Fire Hazard Encumbrance: 1 Tech Level: IV Mod Slots: 0 Value: 900 Durability: Twenty days without proper care. Kills Required to Master: 20 [/spoilers] [hr][/hr] Rifles (AGI+Projectiles) Hunting Rifle: The bolt-action rifles are everywhere and are the primary tool of hunting and civil defense for many communities. [spoiler=Stats] Ammo Type: .357 Handling: N/A Distance (Short/Long): 30/120 Damage: 1D8(+Projectile/2) Magazine: 4 Qualities: None Encumbrance: 2 Tech Level: IV Mod Slots: 2 Value: 390 Mods: Metal rods for Double the Distance, Scope for Triple Distance, Muffler for Scilenced shots. Durability: Three to four days without repair. Kills Required to Master: 40 [/spoiler] Sniper Rifle: This is a military or police sniper rifle, still being used for it's intended purpose of long-range target elimination. Skilled hunters or expert marksmen are given this weapon and are lectured to preserve the delicate components. [spoiler=Stats] Ammo Type: 5.56x45mm Handling: N/A Distance (Short/Long): 50/400 Damage: 1d10+(Porjectile/2) Magazine: 6 Qualities: -Sensitive -Angle -Jamming (DC challenge to unjam: 16. To unjam:1d20+AGI+Projectile) -Deviation (350 feet) -Armor Piercing(Can bypass up to 6 Armor Rating. Encumbrance: 3 Tech Level: IV Mod Slots: 2 Value: 4000 Mods: Metal rods for Double the Distance, Scope for Triple Distance, Muffler for Scilenced shots. Durability: Five to six days without constant repair. Kills Required to Master: 50 [/spoiler] Hunting Shotgun: A break-action shotgun, usually double-barreled, chambered for 12-Gauge. Old school all the way! [spoiler=Stats] Ammo Type: 12-Gauge Buckshot Handling: N/A Distance (Short/Long): 5/20 Damage: 10 Magazine: 2 Qualities: -Double Barreled -Scatter Encumbrance: 2 Tech Level: IV Mod Slots: 2 Value: 1500 Mods: Large metal tube for Third Barrel, Knife for Melee Attacks. Durability: Ten days without repairs. Kills Required to Master: 25 [/spoiler] Pump and Lever-action Shotgun: A military, police or personal defense shotgun. Carries more ammo and usually loaded with Slug shells. [spoiler=Stats] Ammo Type: 12-Gauge Slugs and Buckshot Distance (Short/Long): 5/40 Damage: 1D12+Projectiles, 2D6+Projectiles(Buckshot) Magazine: 6 Qualities: -Scatter Encumbrance: 2 Tech Level: IV Mod Slots: 1 Value: 2000 Mods: Narrow Metal tube to remove Scatter Quality turning it into a Rifle. Durability: Eight days without repairs. Kills Required to Master: 35 [/spoiler] Light Machinegun: This weapon comes in many forms, from dedicated belt-fed weapons to converted UEO Assault Rifles with modified receivers and magazine well adapters. Age has not been kind to them however, and jamming is a problem. [spoiler=Stats] Ammo Type: 5.56x45mm Distance (Short/Long): 30/80 Damage: 2d6+Projectile Magazine: Belt(50), Drum(35) Qualities: -Salvos (10 per Salvo) -Jamming (DC challenge to unjam: 19.) Encumbrance: 4 Tech Level: 4 Mod Slots: 2 Value: 5000 Mods: Wide Metal Tube for Scatter Quality Durability: Kills Required to Master: 40 [/spoiler] [hr][/hr] Heavy Weapons (AGI+Projectiles) Grenade Launcher: A single-shot weapon typically designed to launch explosive or specialist payloads. [spoiler=Stats] Ammo Type: Grenades Distance (Short/Long): 20/60 Damage: As Grenade Magazine: 1 Qualities: -Deviation Encumbrance: 2 Tech Level: IV Mod Slots: 2 Value: 1900 [/spoiler] Rocket Launcher: Post-WWII Rocket Launchers are all hand-forged and are all unique. But their ammunition, which is loaded through the front, is based on two different types of the current-era rocket, one called 'Panzerfist' and another simply called 'RPG'. [spoiler=Stats] Ammo Type: Rocket Distance (Short/Long): 20/60 Damage: 20 Qualities: -Armor Piercing -Explosive -Splash Damage Magazine: 1 Encumbrance: 4 Tech Level: IV Mod Slots: 1 Value: 4200 Mods: Scope for longer range. Kills to Master: 40 [/spoiler] Heavy Machinegun: Technically these are General Purpose or Medium Machineguns, but who's going to care that much? Rumor has it that the UEO, UAO and whatever is beyond the Lawmen's Wall or in the Savage East may have weapons that are worthy of the name. [spoiler=Stats] Ammo Type: 5.56x45mm Distance (Short/Long): 50/2000 Damage: 1d10 (+Projectiles/4) Magazine: Belt Qualities: -Salvos (60 bullets) -Jamming Encumbrance: 6 Tech Level: IV Mod Slots: 2 Value: 8000 Mods: Durability: Ten days without proper care Kills Required to Master: 120 [/spoiler] [hr][/hr] Explosives: Black Powder: This stuff is pretty volatile, so be careful. [spoiler=Stats] Damage: 10 Qualities: -Thunderstrike -Explosive -Splash Damage Encumbrance: 1 Tech Level: II Value: 100 Kills to Master: 30 [/spoiler] TNT: This powerful explosive can be transported safely, and is typically fitted with a fuse that is lit before throwing. [spoiler=Stats] Damage: 14 Qualities: -Explosive -Thunderstrike -Splash Damage Encumbrance: 1 Tech Level: III Value: 300[/spoiler] [hr][/hr] Armor Qualities: -Fire Resistant (Armor): The armor is treated and sealed against flames, so when attacked with fire the indicated armor rating is used instead of the base armor rating. Additionally, the armor will never ignite and start burning. -Terrifying (Difficulty): This armor, ranging from the blood to the skulls impaled on the shoulder spikes or whatever symbols are painted on, is terrifying to look at. If the enemy fails a PSY+Faith/Willpower roll against the listed difficulty, their next attack is done at a -9 penalty. They must roll every turn until they flee, die, or conquer their fear and become immune from that point on. -Camo (Difficulty): This armor makes the wearer very difficult to spot. The opponent must roll an INS+Perception against the listed difficulty to spot the wearer. -Unstable (Critical Damage Penalty): This stuff is held together with wire and prayers. When A Critical hit strikes this armor and the armor permanently loses 2 Armor Points. The lost armor can be repaired with Scrap scrounged in the field. When the armor Rating drops to 0, the Armor is destroyed. -Insulated: This armor protects against electrical discharges, rendering them ineffective. -Bulletproof (Armor Rating): This armor can turn a knife away, but it's real strength is in stopping bullets and other projectiles. The listed armor rating is used against any projectile attacks. It absorbs the damage of the gun by X4 the Armor Rating. Armor-Piercing attacks ignore this ability however. -Massive (Armor Rating): This armor is made from heavy plates or is cast in one piece per section, granting it incredible strength against a great majority of attacks, meaning you use the listed armor rating for any attacks that don't have the Blunt or Armor-Piercing Quality. If the Blunt Crit Quality is on the weapon and strikes this armor, if any damage that weapon does including cause additional Trauma as the armour is warped and bent to the point where it physically harms the wearer unless repaired. -Brittle (Critical Damage Rating): This armor is tougher, but if too much damage is taken according to the Critical Damage Rating, the plates are ruined and lose 1 Armor permanently until repaired. -Sealed (Bonus Successes): This armor grants bonus successes when facing off against disease, environmental hazards, Radiation and sickness infestation, and contact with Psychovores. Conductive: While Metal has more strength than other materials, it is also VERY shockable. Try to stay away from electricity when wearing it. [hr][/hr] Armor: NOTE: Most Physical Armor Cannot Be Stacked! You want to stack even more Armor? Get Scarhide or Tough Dog Perks! NOTE 2: Your characters are always assumed to be wearing some form of clothing unless specified. -Salted Clothing: It's hide and leather clothing that has been cured with salt, making it marginally more durable. But too much abuse will cause this stuff to fall apart. [spoiler=Stats] Armor Rating: 1 Qualities: -Unstable (When the Blunt critical hit Quality strikes this armor, it shall permanently lose two Armor Points.) Encumbrance: 1 Tech Level: I Value: 20 Mod slots: 1 Durability: Three days without repair if damaged. [/spoiler] -Capes and Cloaks: Good for keeping the weather off, but not much else. [spoiler=Stats] Armor Rating: 1 Encumbrance: 1 Tech Level: I Value: 40 Mod slots: 1 Mods: Durability: Two days without Repair if damaged. [/spoiler] -Mammoth Hide Wrap: The thick hair and leather of a Mammoth is better than nothing. Difficult to make clothes with however. [spoiler=Stats] Armor Rating: 2 Encumbrance: 2 Tech Level: I Value: 100 [/spoiler] -Leather Coat: A long coat made from treated leather. Tough, but mostly just used to keep the dust off your clothing. [spoiler=Stats] Armor Rating: 2 Encumbrance: 2 Tech Level: I Mod Slots: 2 Value: 120 Mods: Durability: [/spoiler] -Leather Armor: Thick sections of leather secured with bands of metal and some chain. It might save your life. Might. [spoiler=Stats] Armor Rating: 3 Encumbrance: 2 Tech Level: II Mod Slots: 2 Value: 320 Mods: Durability: [/spoiler] -Rubber Harness: Thick rubber sheets fashioned into a full-body coverall, mostly used when working around live power lines. [spoiler=Stats] Armor Rating: 4 Qualities: -Insulated -Unstable Encumbrance: 3 Tech Level: II Mod Slots: 2 Value: 650 Mods: Durability: [/spoiler] -Scrap Armor: Held together with wire, glue and dreams, this armor is often the first thing a novice Engineer might make, or an enterprising Blacksmithee. Its main strength is that it is very easy to customize and improve. [spoiler=Stats] Armor Rating: 4 Qualities: -Unstable Encumbrance: 3 Tech Level: II Mod Slots: 6 Value: 700 Mods: Durability: [/spoiler] -Chain Mail: A suit made of small steel links riveted together that provides decent protection, but is very uncomfortable to wear for long periods. [spoiler=Stats] Armor Rating: 4 Qualities: Conductive Encumbrance: 3 Tech Level: II Mod Slots: 1 Value: 400 Mods: Durability: [/spoiler] -Reinforced Suit Of Plate Metal: Forged or scavenged metal is hammered into a reinforced frame work and then strapped to the body. Bulky and tough, the only danger comes from foes armed with hammers whose strikes will bend and warp the armor until it does the job of breaking the wearer for them. [spoiler=Stats] Armor Rating: 5 Qualities: -Massive -Unstable -Conductive Encumbrance: 4 Tech Level: II Mod Slots: 2 Value: 750 Mods: Durability: [/spoiler] -Kevlar Jacket: Military-issue bulletproof armor used by UEO soldiers. [spoiler=Stats] Armor Rating: 4 Qualities: -Bulletproof -Insulated Encumbrance: 2 Tech Level: III Mod Slots: 0 Value: 1400 Durability: 12 days without repair. [/spoiler] -Servitron Casing: The hollowed-out armor of an Servitron combat robot. It won't fool an actual Servitron, but it's very good armor until you find something even better, and who knows what that could be. [spoiler=Stats] Armor Rating: 8 Qualities: -Massive -Unstable -Conductive Encumbrance: 3 Tech Level: V Mod Slots: 1 Value: 9000 Durability: 14 days without proper care. Mods: Rubber to rid of Conductive Quality. [/spoiler] [hr][/hr] Shields: Sometimes, Armor isn't enough, my friend! So I recommend that you RAISE YOUR SHIELDS! Sheet Metal Shield: It's a sheet of metal fitted with straps. Stats can also be used to represent wooden or hand-made steel shields. [spoiler=Stats] Defense boost: +1 Armor Rating Attack Penalty: -1 to melee attacks, -2 Ranged attacks. Encumbrance: 1 Tech Level: II Value: 40 Durability: Six days without proper care [/spoiler] Plastic Shield: Made of moulded ballistic plastic, this shield is shaped similar to Bygone-era riot shields. [spoiler=Stats] Defense Boost: +2 Armor Rating Attack Penalty: -2 to melee attacks, -4 to Ranged attacks. Encumbrance: 1 Tech Level: III Value: 220 Durability: Nine days without proper care. [/spoiler] [hr][/hr][/spoiler]