[@Sophrus][@Overlord Thraka] Vaulthuz inspected Mortan and his servants silently, circling around and examining his forces. Approaching one of the ghouls, he grabbed it's head and made it face him. After several seconds he released it and said "You use a different method of reanimation , we must discuss this at some point". The necromancer next moved to the fallen paladins, however after realising they were not undead he merely inspected them from a distance and muttered under his breath "Interesting.." After spending several seconds examining Mortan's apprentices and giving small signs of approval or disapproval, he moved back to his position next to Tiaz "I believe that an alliance would be beneficial for both of us, there is much we could learn from each other and combining our power can only increase our chances of success. I am curious to see these golems you speak of, do you currently have any under your command elsewhere?" As he spoke, the undead under his command around the room sheathed their weapons. He also added "I am here to introduce peace and order to this world; the living waste their time with politics and material wealth, they crave nothing more than to fulfil their physical desires and die. Those who understand the value of knowledge over possessions will be the same ones who join me willingly, once I have purged this world of weakness I will use it's inhabitants to purge the next world. That is why I am here, to answer your question. Now will you join me in my purging of this planet? There is much we could learn from each other." He stood now staring intently at the lich, awaiting his response. [i]His power and allies will be useful, and his knowledge in addition to my own could create powerful things, very powerful things indeed[/i]