[b][h3]Masako Imagawa[/h3][/b] [b]"You've met your match, foul beast!"[/b] She called out as she kicked it airborne. [b]"Take this!"[/b] She struck it three times on the chest. [b]"And that!"[/b] She followed up by slapping it further into the air with the flat of her weapon. [b]"And now...for the finisher!"[/b] She then impaled it midair, piercing straight through her target, causing its innards to burst forth. [b]"Victory is mine!"[/b] [color=8dc73f][b]"Are you quite done defeating harmless stuffed animals?"[/b][/color] Her fairy companion asked. She was clearly unimpressed by the heroic visage of Masako Imagawa, standing there with her latest foe vanquished. Of course, anyone would probably be less than impressed by her defeat of the teddy bear she purchased just to smack around, but for Lutin, it marked yet another instance of Masako being a complete nutter. [b]"Well excusez-moi, but I have to practise my technique somehow, Lutin."[/b] Masako replied, lowering her stick and allowing the pierced teddy bear to fall to the floor. [b]"The Negari aren't going to sit around and wait for me to preform my beautiful assault, are they?"[/b] [b][color=8dc73f]"No, Masako, they won't."[/color][/b] Lutin answered irritably. [color=8dc73f][b]"That's precisely why your practise is utterly worthless; Negari do not sit around and wait for indulgent wastrels to set themselves up to look good. It is far more sensible to simply-"[/b][/color] [b]"-practise on a live one so I get a better experience! You're quite right, I'll never get it right without putting my neck out there. Let us find one post haste. Allons-y! En Avant!"[/b] Masako immediately made for the door, leaving Lutin to follow behind, muttering [color=8dc73f][i]"Completely retarded..."[/i][/color] under her breath. In any case, Masako was prepared to steal away into the night and scour the city for the foul Negari. With her parents constantly busy, they tended not to police her activities, so long as she maintained a high achievement in academics and similar fields. There was nothing stopping Masako Imagawa from donning her magical persona and making the city a better place with style and grace.