[Center][h1][u][Color=A52A2A]Bailey Collins[/color][/u][/h1] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Cj8Qfj0.jpg[/img] [U][I]Location[/i][/u] Auditorium [U][i]Interacting with[/i][/u] --- [/center] [Color=A9A9A9] As they had reached the auditorium, Bailey sought a seat apart from the others for the first time. Twice he had been caught off guard this morning, between the odd girls apologies and then the intense stare down from the boy, Bailey's nerves had started to frey. He had hoped to have some space to mentally prepare him for what may come next. Questions and scenarios shot off at rapid fire, going from one possibility to the next. Would they torture them? Give them some sort of medicinal boost? Would there be experiments? Bailey's mind was a treasure trove of curiosity. Luckily, he didn't have to wait long before the woman from the previously stepped out and greeted them. He listened, almost disappointed, to her quip about the days activities. [Color=A52A2A][i]'Blood work and some exercise? That's hardly bad at all.'[/i][/color] Bailey let out a pent up breath as his body relaxed. [Color=FFE4E1]"Bailey Collins?"[/color] a soft voice caught his attention. As the rest of the group was pairing off with their trainers, Bailey scanned the line before his eyes rested on the upturned face of a cheery woman. Instantly he felt his face grow flush as rose to go meet his trainer. [Color=FFE4E1]"You alright, dear? You look a little flushed."[/color] the woman inquired as Bailey approached. Her voice was smooth, a little deeper than most women his age but it wasn't her voice that had caught him so off guard but rather her appearance. Bailey nodded silently, eyes boring a hole into the space between his feet. [Color=FFE4E1]"Okay then, well I am Emma Lythe but you may call me Emma or Em. After all, we'll be spending quite a bit of time together."[/color] Emma let out of a light chuckle as she started to walk away. Bailey, who's mouth suddenly felt like the Sahara desert, blindly followed behind her. Looking up he noted how easily he overshadowed Emma, even with the heels she wore Bailey was a good foot taller than the woman. [Color=FFE4E1]"In this room, please."[/color] Bailey could hear the smile in her voice and his heart squeezed a little tighter as he stepped quickly around her. [Color=FFE4E1]"Alright, just take a seat. It'll be a quick prick, then I'll need you to go get something to eat and drink. Then when you get back we'll start the physical part of your test. Sound good?"[/color] He gave her a curt nod before settling into his chair. [Color=FFE4E1]"You know, when I read your file, I didn't take you for the shy type. You haven't said a word to me nor have you even looked at me."[/color] Emma prodded as she gathered the necessary equipment. [Color=FFE4E1]"Its not very nice, you know."[/color] Sighing, Bailey forced himself to look up. His face turning darker as he watched a smile slid across her face. [Color=A52A2A]"I'm sorry."[/color] He muttered sheepishly. [Color=FFE4E1]"There you are."[/color] Emma replied brightly, moving in to quickly stick her patients arm. From here Bailey could see her face more closely, notice the fine lines that creased around her eyes when she talked. The little wisps of hair that has fallen from the neat bun that perched high on the back of her head. More importantly he could see the myriad of colors in her eyes, what once was simple grey slated eyes were now flecked with bits of blue and surprisingly splashes of pale yellow. Emma looked up at him, catching his intense gaze and smiled. [Color=A52A2A][i]'Oh god, even her eyes smiled.'[/i][/color] his heart battered in his chest. [Color=FFE4E1]"You know, you could've just told me what was bothering you."[/color] Emma scolded as she placed a bandaid on his arm, [color=FFE4E1]"Lots of people are uneasy with needles and blood. I would've given you a stress ball or something."[/color] Bailey couldn't help but let out a small laugh at her. Glad that she had mistaken his flustered state for a phobia, at least in that way he didn't seem so awkward. [Color=A52A2A]"Sorry, didn't want to seem like a wimp."[/color] Bailey chuckled. He looked up at her, surprised to see a scowl plastered across her lips and her brows furrowed in disapproval. [Color=FFE4E1]"Mr. Collins, we are here to insure that you develop safely and with little hassle. For me to do my job correctly I need you to be open and honest. You must take this seriously."[/color] [Color=A52A2A][i]'More misunderstanding.'[/i][/color] he sighed internally, it wasn't like he could outright say that he was acting out of sorts because she was beautiful. No matter how true that statement was. Even now, with her visage of disapproval, his heart still squeezed lightly when he looked at her too long. [Color=A52A2A][i]"Who would've thought your type was older chicks?"[/i][/color] Bailey stood up quickly, attempting to be fluid but only managing to stumble slightly before getting his bearings. [Color=FFE4E1]"Careful!"[/color] Emma had reached out to catch him if he had fallen, her voice now riddled with worry, [color=FFE4E1]"I took a good bit of blood, you'll need to refrain from quick movements until you can get some food and rest." [/color]She motioned towards the door in a polite dismissal. Bailey didn't hesitate, wanting to our some distance between himself and the woman. As he got into the hallway he wandered down, looking for the vending machine that, that boy had raided this morning.[/color]