[b]Shay[/b] As Shay laid there, staring up at the psychopath, astonishment washed over her. How could he just sit there and laugh? Clearly he was crazier than she had imagined. The knife piercing her caused her to cry out. Tears of pain filled her eyes which blinded her from seeing which other psychopath joined. Whoever it was kicked her hard in the stomach. She grunted in pain and managed to blink hard enough to clear her vision. She stared at the red-haired boy and briefly recalled him from earlier before school. Who the hell was Riley hanging out with? This wasn't like him. These people were not people he'd ordinarily hangout with either... She washed it out of her mind and glared at them. They were laughing. Her arm and stomach were killing her and pain flooded through her. She managed to swallow hard and spit at them. [b]"Tough guys aren't you, torturing an immobilized girl? What a bunch of cowards you are."[/b] Shay rolled her eyes and bit her lip hard to avoid crying out more. She was still half blind from pain but was overpowered with anger and disgust. Her chest was tight and her body quivered from pain and fear - yet she wasn't backing down. This definitely had to be the superior. Surely the guardians knew, right? She had so many questions. [b]"If I'm so annoying, why are you still bothering me? You want to teach me to be afraid of you, huh? All I have to do is look at your ugly face and a piece of me dies inside. I bet your mother abandoned you the moment you came out of the womb."[/b] This was pushing it more than she had wanted but she hoped to distract them. Above them, the sky started turning black. Clouds were swirling together and slowly thickening. A thunderstorm was starting to brew despite the clear forecast predicted for tonight. Leaves, sticks, and other woodland debris was starting to rustle, but only a bit. She could feel the shift in her body. The weather and her were unified. If she focused hard enough, there would be damaging winds, rain, and lightning. Still, creating what she had imagined was harder to perfect without her hands. The amount of concentration needed was rough and she was already in pain. She gritted her teeth and tried to focus as best she could. It didn't help that she was surrounded by these crazy shits and God only knew their powers. She had to be fast and unpredictable. Hopefully, the guardians would notice her storm, she thought bitterly. She prayed to God Aidan and or Toby would find her too. How the hell would she get out of here? She had never felt so afraid and bewildered in her life. Her heart was going to burst out of her chest. [hr][b]James[/b] Rose's bloody hand on his face caused James to shudder. This was not right. It couldn't be his girl, right? He was just imagining this... As he stared down, though, he saw her and the blood. He swallowed hard as his panic mounted. James set her down carefully, keeping their bodies barely inches apart. He lifted his shirt over his face briefly and wiped her blood off of him. Thank God he had Jason. He glanced at him as he teased her but didn't laugh. He pulled the shirt down finally and sniffled hard. He had to be strong for her, no matter how sick he felt. In the back of his mind he knew he'd probably have a tougher time being here for her after tonight. He had to be strong... He had to... James felt a cold sweat overwhelm him and began to wipe his face off with his arms. He was turning slightly blue in the face and coughed hard. He bit his tongue not to cry out or show anymore distress. He was going to kill Moe. Absolutely rip him to shreds. He was going to die - painfully. Rose passing out only scared him further. Quickly though, the guardians and a few superior hunters came at that time. He watched Scarlett arrive with a dark and sullen expression. He wondered what she had seen in her visions. If only he could read her mind.... [b]"She'll be okay,"[/b] she told James as they loaded her onto a stretcher, as if hearing him, [b]"just make sure to stay by her at all times now."[/b] He sniffled and nodded. He knew he would if Mortimer was attacking her and hurting her especially. This arse was never going to lay a hand on his babygirl ever again. He would make sure of it.