“Er, hello!” [Insert Draenic Scream of Pure Rage] *THACK* Malizia was only given a short moment to glimpse up at Kathlin and open her mouth to grin at her - before with a 'thack' sound a (relatively) small draenei greatsword lodged itself between two of her yellow, demonic teeth! "[color=ed1c24]... wheally?[/color]" "[b]TENTACLED FOOL - I WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS INSOLENCE![/b]" Malizia would mumble as she looked down at the fight going on in front of her, as Serphia had drawn one of her sleek, curved elven swords and deftly parried a strike from Mei's own oversized weapon! Serphia, with her long, flowing and snow white hair would go on to exchange a number of lighting-fast strikes with Mei and her sprawling mass of snakes for hair! The Captain received a hoof-kick to her lower stomach that temporarily knocked the wind out of her even through her purple, steel-hard washboard stomach; but she would quickly return by neatly severing the head of three of the snakes on Mei's hair, effectively giving her violent 'haircut' that looked a lot more dramatic than it otherwise should have been due to the Draenei's hair consisting of a mass of living, writhing serpents! "[b]I WILL NOT STAND TO LISTEN TO THE VITRIOLIC RAMBLINGS OF AN ANGRY DRUNK WHO THINKS SHE CAN STAND BETWEEN ME AND MY RIGHTFUL KILL![/b]" Serphia announced loudly as she took a step back to point the razor sharp tip of her gleaming blade at Mei, now with a good six feet between them! Malizia, in the meantime, would casually observe the two fighting women whilst curiously chewing on the sword in her teeth, before spitting it out as it landed on the ground, neatly destroying a barrel as the heavy weapon landed on it! Her shimmering and unholy fel green eyes would linger on the back of Serphia and Mei's furious face, before moving to the side to glance up at the adorable, the irresistible Kathlin hovering in the air and about to fly away... [i]"She's soooo adorable... "[/i] ... and then back at the two idiots in front of her. [i]" ... and they are not!"[/i] Pondering on what next to, Malizia considered whether she should spend her next time hanging out to join in the "epic" fight of the two raging meatheads in front of her, or to go with the easier, far more enjoyable act of playing catch with that adorable little Kathlin girl. It was an easy choice. "Psst, mistress.. " "[b]STAND DOWN AND APOLOGIZE FOR YOUR INSOLENT BEHAVIOR, AND I MAY YET FORGIVE YOU![/b]" "Mistress!" Serphia called out to Mei with a volume on her voice that was loud even for the Captain's already large form! All the while, off to her left, one of the sentinels had appeared from one of the alleyways and was frantically trying to get her attention, trying to whisper-shout to her as the Sentinel fiercely motioned towards Malizia - who was slowly getting back up; Aleena(and Liaena) sliding out of her bosom to land on the cobblestone; as the large, red winged demoness stood up to her full height over Serphia; turned around, and with a gleeful grin; threw herself into a wild (and destructive!) chase after Kathlin through another district! "[b][color=ed1c24]OH MY LITTLE BLOODSWORN DOVE, IT IS TIME TO CONSUMMATE OUR ETERNAL LOVE![/color][/b]" One unfortunate Sentinel that had forgotten to let go of the wire around Malizia's feet suddenly found herself pulled out from another alley further up ahead, losing her grip mid flight before being flung through the window of a chocolate shop on the other side with a crash! "Mistress! She's escaping!!" "[b]IF YOU DO NOT, THEN I WILL HAPPILY SHOW WHAT A MILLENNIUM OF KELDOREI DEADLY MARTIAL ARTS SECRETS CAN[/b],-... [i]what[/i]!!?!" Serphia continued, before she found herself unable to ignore the yelling of one of her sentinels any longer, only to turn around and see Malizia no longer present; the only things left in the streets being a single, disheveled looking purple haired Aleena, and some groans emanating from one of the shop windows. "You!" Serphia's head immediately snapped back to Mei. "[b]YOU LET HER ESCAPE, YOU FOOL! YOU WILL PAY[/b],- mmmngh... " In a flash, the murderous intent of the Captain's burning, silvery eyes was replaced with a sudden look of satisfaction as Serphia turned her head to look off to the side, lips curling into a coy smile as her wide hips began shifting from side to side. " ... mmhm, you'll pay... but later!"