That's more then fair, let's see if this is too off the wall then: [Hider=Here comes a new challenger] [center][color=a187be][h1]Andre[/h1][/color] [color=bc8dbf][b]Full Name:[/b][/color] Andre B. Wolfe [color=bc8dbf][b]Age: [/b][/color] 18 [color=bc8dbf][b]Sex:[/b] [/color] Male [hr] [color=bc8dbf][b]Appearance:[/b] [/color] Standing at 5'8 with pale skin, a lithe build, and a heart shaped face, Andre is not an intimidating form. He has broad shoulders and slender fingers, with his legs seeming to take a noticeably larger space then his torso. His eyes are almond shaped with heavy lids, and bags etched underneath. They are a warm brown color, with long lashes. His nose is narrow and just a little longer then he'd like. His brows are well kept looking, although that is due to good genes, and not effort. His cheek bones are defined while his ears are small and out of the way. His hair is black and wavy coming down in a mess to near his earlobes. His lips are thin and seemingly always down turned ever so slightly at the ends. [color=bc8dbf][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Nihilistic, sarcastic, sassy, pacifistic, indecisive, obsequious. [color=bc8dbf][b]Biographical Information:[/b][/color] Andre lived a somewhat secluded life. He had a part time job working at his mothers greenhouse, and he went to school. He was content with his life, and enjoyed his family, and his few close friends. He took to solitary hobbies like video-games, drawing and writing. He was also a big movie fan, and would go to the theater often. There is not much to say about his life near the point of the incident leading him to this facility. Of course there is a darker chapter in his younger years. At the age of 12 he was a much more sociable and outgoing child. He had one very good friend who he had grown up beside in his old neighborhood. These two would play make-believe games of superheroes, secret agents and hard-boiled detectives. Often this would mean one would have to find the other, or seek something such as a "clue" they hid. As they got better at this, they got more daring as well. Hiding themselves or these objects in increasingly higher risk places. One such place was a construction site. Sneaking under the rusted fence, the two were playing on what was going to be a long arch bridge. Hiding a clue on a tree hanging over the rushing stream, he sent her to go looking for it. Pretty quickly it was found, climbed towards and taken. Then a gust of wind hit, and she slipped. Taking a nasty tumble down past a barricade, she was caught in the water fast. It took Andre a moment too many to get over his fear and jump in after her. She didn't make it, and in fact, he was lucky to be found before he had hit the falls as well. The current had knocked his head against the bottom of the stream, and he got caught on a rock. Since then he became more of a shut in, and less of a people person. [hr] [color=bc8dbf][b]Ability: [/b][/color] Shadow Puppet: Able to generate a three-dimensional copy of his own body made seemingly of "shadow". It can appear as it's own separate entity up to a certain area around Andre, though the farther it goes the more mental strain it puts on him. Because of this he usually doesn't have it "summoned". It is apparent that it can be manifested and dispersed with his will. Andre is also able to generate parts of this "puppet" instead of the entity as a whole. As this being has a stronger constitution and general higher strength, Andre often summons it's arms to aid him in things. As this being is not actually alive, it takes no risk in dangerous situations. Beyond the fact that it has a limited distance, it is usable for things such as exploration, working in harsh conditions/environments, and general dangerous bodily situation. It cannot speak in any way, and is susceptible to high-frequency noises. Summoning it takes up to 2 seconds as a whole body, though single limbs like arms, can appear nigh instantaneously. Dismissing it takes a similar span of time. What Andre sees the puppet sees, and vice versa. He can have only one whole puppet out at a time, but the "mass" of the total can be summoned in other forms. The common use being multiple arms. These beings are solid, and thus can be damaged or destroyed, though they look like condensed shapes of a blackish/purple haze. They cannot smell or seem to feel, though do have some slight personality. Their shape perfectly mimics Andre, clothes and all. [color=bc8dbf][b]Strengths, Skills, Weaknesses:[/b][/color] A bit of an artist, they enjoy both drawing and creative writing. Has experience with climbing and squeezing into odd spaces (useful for hiding). While he isn't very strong he can run decently fast, and better yet, run at a normal pace for an extended amount of time. He is a mediocre pick-lock, and is a surprisingly great dancer. He has a bad past with swimming, and has thus garnered a level of fear for it. While he can deal with heights and tight spaces, large crowds cause him to panic. He tends to hyper-fixate on things, which will cause him to starve himself, and altogether neglect general self care. He isn't very tidy, and usually needs a push in the right direction to get things done. [/center][/Hider]