Teagan scanned the forms as the man was handing them to her. On the surface it all seemed legit. The phone on the table buzzed. She took it and read the message from Regan. '[i]He checks out, Teagan.[/i]' The firefighter breathed an internal sigh of relief. She waited for the man to finish his speech and to stop handing out forms. "Alright, Mr Smith." Teagan looked at him a bit more warmly. "It would appear you check out. Ye'll forgive me the cold reception. But Megan's been through a horrific ordeal and I'm not about to allow her to suffer any further. I appreciate ye coming to bring the paperwork personally." She rose and waited for the man to follow suit. "Rest assured I'll look through these carefully and when we're done with them, I'll make sure to come and file them away." She extended a hand for a handshake and pumped the man's hand when he took hers. They both said their goodbyes. "Have a nice evening." She finished and led him out the door. She quickly backtracked to the living room and picked up her phone. "Regan?" "I'm still here." She affermed. "Sorry for callin' out of the blue like that." Teagan apologized. "It's just I was groggy from sleep... and after the thing with those rats..." She was rambling again. "Teagan, it's alright." The younger woman interrupted her. "I'm glad you called. I kinda like knowing you're ready to count on me for something so important." Teagan released the breath she didn't realize she was holding. "Thanks." "So..." Regan dragged out. "Now it's going to be official official?" Teagan flopped down on the sofa, grinning from ear to ear. "You're grinning silly, aren't you." Regan laughed. Teagan didn't answer, just grinned some more. Regan laughed some more. "Okay, Heyes. You know the drill. Off to bed with you, or else!" She mock threatened. "Ye know..." Teagan finally said. "Than's not exactly a threat." There was the tiniest, blink and you miss it, suggestion in her voice. Regan was quiet for a second. "Just go to bed already, you old lech." "Oh, ye're gonna pay for that 'old' barb, Murphy." Teagan warned, but she was laughing through it. "Promises, promises." Regan sing-songed. "Night, Heyes." "Night, Regan. Sweet dreams." They disconnected for the second time this evening. And for the second time Teagan checked on Megan, who was still sleeping. [i]She's so exhausted.[/i] Teagan thought stretching out on her bed and once more giving herself over to sleep.