Oakland, California. The date is November 20, 1999. The entire world panicked back in 1973 when we all used up our natural resources WAY too fast and well..... People got crazy, rumors of hidden water in America were fluctuating, cults and gangs were formed out of fear and finally....... The Bombs went down. But instead of destroying the ENTIRE world at once, two Countries got lucky and survived: The used to be United States, and Germany of all things! But luckily, you all got into the near end of the Century alive..... Unfortunately. While everyone you know has maybe either turned into a nut job worshipping the Mailman or Cthulhu, or became a Coprse hanging on someone's front porch. But...... There is a SLIM chance you can find them out there, waiting to be rescued by you or someone else. The land outside has turned into a desolate Wasteland and some of the Water....... Kinda glows at times for no reason. But don't worry! You're in Oakland, one of the safest places in California! But something seems off for some reason, the people outside are calm and are smiling brightly at you as you walk around the town. Hoards of people are at church, eating grand dinners of chicken and Mashed Potatoes, drinking little Suzie's Pink Lemonade! Everyone is having a grand old time! Except for you folks. But Madness isn't shared with the people around you. In reality, people are chopping up other people for food, drinking stuff that would make Sewage and Bleach seem like luxury, and are coming for all of you for "Fresh meat!" At this point, you all decide to pack up your shit and get the HELL out of here!