[center] [hider=Normal] [img]http://pre08.deviantart.net/32c6/th/pre/i/2017/154/a/9/mistress_9_by_katewind-d9o4g0i.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=suited up] [img] http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/cnc/images/9/9d/RA3_Rocket_Angel_concept_2.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/135?cb=20170219084948[/img] [/hider] [/center] [hr] [indent] [color=green][b]Name:[/b][/color] Sasha Novalin [/indent] [indent] [color=green][b]Age:[/b][/color] 27 [/indent] [indent] [color=green][b]Hero Name:[/b][/color] Saturnia 'The Mach Valkyria' [/indent] [indent] [color=green][b]Backstory[/B][/color] Sasha's story starts somewhere during her coming of age, she was a child of a mechanic and spent most of her childhood learning how to put stuff back together. When her quirk developed she used it mostly to weld plates together rather than finding another use for it. She discovered the potency and potential of her quirk when she was speeding over a bridge on her motor cycle and the earthquake hit sending her of the side. Acting mostly out of reflex she let out her quirk full power and discovered the thrust was enough for her to fly with it. She rose to hero with status helping people in distress in hard to reach places where flight were useful, and also helped to cut open cars or throuh steel to help free people that had been trapped. She spent a few years working rogue before getting licensed, spending a small fortune on flight suits to support her abilities. Luckily by this time there was plenty of sponsorship available and a small team to help her reach a higher level. She came into contact with Marcus a few years back, and have been working together with him since. [/Indent] [indent] [color=green][b]Quirk:[/B][/color]Emmiter: Jet Ray. The ability of jet ray is almost as simple as its name. Saturnia is able to Emmit jet rays from parts of her body up to a maximum distance of 5m excluding heat. She mostly use these for flight purposes emitting them from her feet to propelled herself into the air. Without her bodysuit however her speed is severely limited due to her body not being able to withstand the velocity of quicker flights, yet flight is but one of the uses her quirk has. Other uses are as follow: Torch: Saturnia is capable of creating small jet rays to not only light up small areas, but these are essentially capable of both cutting through anything that cannot stand the high concentrated heat of the jet ray, it can also be used to weld things together if necessary. [/indent] [hider=hero gear] [indent] [color=green][b]Hero gear:[/b][/color] Mecha Valkyria suit M:III A custom design to tightly fit like a body suit, the MVS M:III is made of a very wind resistantant material specially designed to reduce the stress of higher speed movement on the user's body. It's custom fit for Saturnia and her quirk allowing her to safely reach Mach speed and beyond if necessary. It's semi shock absorbent and projectile resistant proving cover from your normal fire arms and flight hazards. It provides heat resistance in covered areas and have points where it can open up to let out jet rays to increase thrust power and efficiency. Its the third redesign after Saturday crashed once during her youth ending up hospitalized for a few weeks and in recovery for a month. Got shot down twice by villains and decided not to stay down the first time ending her up with a trauma of crashing for half a year after the event and several broken bones. The third version got room for up to sixteen miniature rockets loaded onto the wings, allowing for precision shots to be taken at long range with a homing system. With police and military contacts, These rockets are meant for supportive purposes and can be loaded with tear gas, stun explosions etc. It also got better boots and gloves to allow for more controlled during her jet ray output saving essential energy for longer flights or fights. [/indent] [/hider]