Clearly ya boy Brynjar was the one who crafted Steinar's epic armor and warhammer back in the day. [s]The Stein just don't want to admit it![/s] [s]May help with my silly "Steindahl's wealth comes from them finding a heck of a lot of gemstones in their mountains after the Age of Strife/Thalasan Invasion" idea. Who needs shiny stones when there are Trolls afoot? Send them down to Havingardr. What do you mean we're not allowed to beat the Trolls up anymore?![/s] On that note: I apologize for my relative silence and lack of work on Steindahl this past week or so. Life's been a bit hectic, but I may be able to finish up the northernmost Realm when I end up having nothing to do in a hotel this weekend. We'll see.