[h1]The Empire of Zellonia[/h1] [img]http://img08.deviantart.net/28f2/i/2016/056/1/4/random_fictional_english_flag_by_captainvoda-d46x97b.png [/img] As the Emperor sat upon his throne room and slung into his chair he couldn’t help but think where the empire had gone. Once the great northern empire that ruled from their lands to the islands of Tara. Now all they had was this small northern wasteland no longer feared nor loved by the continent. The Emperor turned and looked upon the reports his ministers had left him and sighed. After taking a bit he wrote up a list of orders for his ministers and officers to follow before finally calling in his long time assistant Reginald. “Yes, your majesty?” “Ah, Reginald. I’ve drawn up the orders for the ministers if you would be so kind as to give it to them so they may begin immediately.” The emperor said in a raspy voice. The assistant nodded before sighing “One other thing your majesty. I was just informed your brother Prince Theodore escaped from the prison and is on his way to the Tsardom of Radena.” The emperor stood up and walked slowly to the assistant wobbling due to his weak leg. “WHAT DID YOU SAY! MY BROTHER ESCAPED!” The emperor cried out. “ALERT ALL POSTS, STATION MEN AT THE BORDER. He mustn’t be allowed to leave.” The assistant eyes opened shocked and saluted before running away. Several moments later the city bells could be heard and he know his men were on the move.The emperor slowly waddled back to his desk and slumped down praying for the return of his brother. [hider=Order] Construction on a drydocks and Armaments factory beginl. Troopers are placed as Tsardom border. [/hider]