[hr][hr][h1][center][color=662d91]Elissa Isley[/color][/center][/h1] [center][img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/b73f089d6e033127672ccc2bc5de8139/tumblr_obrmskmaoX1vzb108o1_400.gif[/img] Location: Port of Tortuga [/center][hr][hr] She knew that she was late, but it didn't help her to know that. Aravis was probably sitting there, wondering where she was, and Elissa wasn't there yet. Picking her way through the crowd, she could see the sign for [i]The King's Arm[/i] off in the distance, and she needed to hurry up. Meeting up with Aravis was something she looked forward to, and she wasn't planning on skipping out on her friend just yet. It probably didn't help that she was keeping an eye out for thieves, since she knew too well what could happen on the streets of any town. As the sign grew closer, Elissa started hurrying slightly more, since she didn't really want to keep Aravis waiting longer than she needed to, and Elissa was practically running by now, and eventually she could see her friend, and as she drew closer to her, Elissa waved her arm with a smile. [color=662d91]"Hello Araffis, it is kood to zee you akain,"[/color] she said as she walked up to her friend.