[Hider=Hades] [Center][sub][Colour=DarkSlateBlue][h2]H A D E S[/h2][/Colour][/sub][/Center] [hr][Center][img]http://i.imgur.com/6BSnYxG.jpg[/img] [sub][Colour=DimGray]H u m a n F o r m[/Colour][/sub][/Center][hr] [sub][Colour=DarkSlateBlue]◆ A W A K E N I N G[/Colour][/sub] [indent][sub][Colour=DarkGray]The bittersweet tale of Hades and his most precious consort Persephone has been sung by many a bard. The ground turns cold and the nights long when she makes her journey to the underworld. It is an event that the world of old recognised, for Hades it was his candlelight in an otherwise dark existence. As the centuries passed the Olympian myths and their divine characters were forgotten, muddied or lost. As belief ebbed so did the strength of the gods. For Hades his mind was so transfixed on his beloved, that his grip eased. The underworld is not what it once was. Many souls have escaped, some even stolen, trespasses that once incited his fury have since been ignored. Were it not for his muse, Hades' indignation would surely come to pass once more.[/Colour][/sub][/indent] [sub][Colour=DarkSlateBlue]◆ P E R S O N A L I T Y[/Colour][/sub] [indent][sub][Colour=DarkGray]Having regained his perspective on the world and the duty he long abandoned, Hades is intent on tightening his grip over the dead. Those whom he meets will often first notice his attention is elsewhere. It is likely that his scrutiny is sharply focused on those whom have left his realm, the other possibility being his search for Persephone. Whichever it may be Hades' mind is rarely at the behest of those that seek it to be, which many a soul will tell you is a good thing. It is when someone has the full attention of Hades that his true nature arises. He has no tolerance of those that undermine his authority or lacks recognition of the part he plays in the world. If truth be told Hades is quietly insecure. He is aware that his two brothers were more widely accepted that he was and at times the pain of being relegated to the underworld shows itself, but rarely. No, there was not a soul upon the earth that wished for Hades attention wilfully. Yet with a new world comes new principles, and as the Olympian gods fell from favour so did the fear felt by man. Hubris is rife in the modern world, Hades is not one to take it lightly. [/Colour][/sub][/indent] [sub][Colour=DarkSlateBlue]◆ F O L L O W E R S[/Colour][/sub] [indent][sub][Colour=DarkGray]Hades is a fickle god. If you cannot further his goals then you are of no use to him. He admires those who have ambition, men or women who are willing to do what it takes to spread his name. He accepts those that are passionate, that have something to lose so as to encourage them further. Above all Hades demands loyalty. A disloyal act towards Hades is an act of defiance, of Hubris. Souls like that are found nowhere else but Tartarus. [/Colour][/sub][/indent] [sub][Colour=DarkSlateBlue]◆ L O C A T I O N[/Colour][/sub] [indent][sub][Colour=DarkGray]Tartarus, Hades [/Colour][/sub][/indent] [hr][Center][img]http://i.imgur.com/fX8k7rm.png[/img] [sub][Colour=DimGray]T r u e F o r m[/Colour][/sub][/Center][hr] [/Hider]