Inverse russian mail order bride, I guess. I mean, so far Trump made sure we aren't paying [url=]a $2.5 trillion subsidy to Inda so they can start 600 strip-mines for coal (in Australia) as per the Paris agreement,[/url] with China getting even more. This alone has resaulted in a $6,000 boost in my predicted annual income. -Health insurance and gasoline prices are also going down. As well as prices for food at local groccery-stores (especially milk/cheese/yogurt, which is dropping in price faster than gasoline) Civil rights, so far, have remained unchanged. And unless someone wants the entire federal government to drop everything to address some huge issue, probably is going to stay the way it is for the next 16+ years Just as they have for the past 20 (Obama really didn't *do* anything to address BLM's concerns).