[@Ninkitty] Price tried to think of what they could do. He thought it might be a bad idea, but he wondered what it was like downtown. "You know, I've never been downtown before and I think we can avoid any humans if we stay out of sight." He had to wait to see if she approved of this first. Juno wanted to go along with them but wasn't sure if this cat([@ChickenTeriyaki]) was done talking to him yet. He decided to stay put for now. [hr] [@Ninkitty] Arin looked at her with his usual friendly smile. "A walk sounds nice, but to where? Downtown?" He's never been down that way and it would be different from the city and seeing movies all the time. [hr] [@Overlord Thraka] "I didn't say you were. I meant Inus are like nekos but opposite." Ace was now wondering if he should go back in dog form and leave. He was probably being annoying without meaning to be.