[h2][center][color=007236]Gabriel Moreau - Mountains[/color][/center][/h2] [center][@Solace][@Ambra][@Aquanthe][@FrostedCaramel][@SheriffLlama][@Jinxer][/center] [hr] Gabriel just wasn't ready for the sudden backlash that the other cadets had against him. What was a sort of mock laughter suddenly became became utter embarrassment. From what he could tell, every cadet in sight had lined their sights against him and decided to hit him with a snowball. As he started to go backwards after being pelted a few times in the face, he came to the conclusion that he was a big guy and was making himself stand out far too easily. He was glad that at least Connor had joined his side. His face was covered with too much snow to really say anything or make any kind of expression, so he settled with giving the other boy a thumbs up and tossing one more snowball in a random direction in defiance. Of course, that wasn't the least of his troubles. When he stumbled backwards, he fell down a sort of short hill an began to tumble backwards through the snow. It was a terrifying experience for Gabriel, mainly because he couldn't tell what was going on. His ride had ended up cutting short when he slammed up against a tree. He let out a loud grunt and rubbed the back of his head, moaning and groaning slightly. He looked back up at the hill and smiled weakly. It was...weird to Gabriel. This whole 'friendship' thing. After his dad ended up being put into a KIA list, Gabriel had fallen far from grace. He never imagined he would be doing something so childish and fun. When he was a boy, he remembered fondly the different fights that he had with the other boys and their respective gangs. Of course, they never did mess too much with the more 'law-abiding' kids, but they did act quite mean to them. His time thieving, fighting, and committing general anarchy just seemed to give him a slight sense of sadness. It was quickly washed over with joy at the thought of these other cadets actually wanting to play such games and be friendly with him. It was like his terrible past was finally washing away, along with his reputation as a troublemaker. Without having realized it, Gabriel was actually crying. His overall expression didn't betray him, but his eyes and the tears that rolled from it surely did. He was caught a bit off-guard and took a deep breath, wiping them away with his hand. He smiled slightly once more and began to make his way back up the hill, waving to the others. [color=007236]"I'm okay! I just hit my head a little! I'll be alright!"[/color] These were the cadets that he would graduate with...they were all his friend....and he was glad that they were. This, unknown to him, would cause him great stress in the far future. For what does someone do when they have finally found something that they are willing to die protecting?