Gonna give this a shot.... [b]Name:[/b] John Smith [b]Epic Identity:[/b] That Guy [b]Age:[/b] 30 [b]Faction:[/b] Epic [b]Ability:[/b] [Absolute World] It is impossible for John to see superpowers. This is not to say he has some form of magical blindness that makes superpowers invisible to him, but simply that they cannot exist within his perception. No supernatural ability or even may directly alter his subjective world. If he were to look at a flying person, said flier would drop out of the sky like a rock. More likely he would already be on the ground with a lump on his head, wondering how he got there. A telepath could read his mind but not influence it, besides in incredibly subtle ways. Any change that he would notice, or attempting to alter what he notices, will fail. To him Freaks look like normal people, and in his presence they are forced to act that way as well, supernatural abilities failing to work in any noticeable way. Unnoticeable abilities like telepathy will still function, as long as one does not try to talk to John. Secondary effects also apply. Powers that could reasonably be passed for mundane may work. If you fireball a building while John isn't looking he'll just assume that it's a terrorist bombing, and therefore the fireball will work. This power works through reflections, but not through tvs or cameras. [b]Weakness:[/b] If one could convince John that they really have powers, they would become an exception to Absolute World. Things like cameras can capture the supernatural even when John uses them, and can therefore convince him that something is 'real'. It would then become an exception to his 'Absolute World' power, and be able to function while everything else is not. If he can see his own eyes, such as in a reflection, then his power short-circuits and negates itself. This works as long as he continues to look at his reflection. [b]Personality:[/b] The entire world is filled with crazy people. The massive media machine panders to these so-called 'superheroes' using special effects and cgi to look like they have superpowers on tv. Ridiculous theories like an 'invasion of rat people' or 'the ones above'. The whole thing is a bunch of malarkey, of course, comic fodder fed to the 'sheeple' of the world. John lives his day-to-day life, performing a meaningless job while lamenting the sorry state of the world. He's irritable and grumpy due to constant pestering by 'epics' claiming that their powers ARE real, they just aren't working for some reason. Despite being only in his thirties he has a tendency to refer to 'the old days', before all this superpowers nonsense started. It's all because of video games, and watching too much tv. [b]Appearance:[/b] picture to be added. [b]Background:[/b] Growing up in a relative quiet village, John Smith didn't interact with Epics for his entire life. His family was a group of crazy people who denied the existence of Epics, Freaks, and magical animals. This may have shaped his particular power, which certainly assisted in his family's denial as he grew up. He soon learned to hate the news groups, and the people shouting in the streets, and all those other kids in class convinced that they 'met a superhero' or even that they had powers themselves. It took a while for people to start figuring out that something was going on, as powers just seemed to stop working proper when John was around. There was some investigation (which of course he and his family found preposterous) but all tests showed John to be normal. Almost TOO normal. Shortly after his powers were discovered John was offered a job in Epic City. Small-time office job, lots of free time, decent pay. He was encouraged to take strolls in particular areas of the town by his very friendly employer. John, being a big fan of long walks, was happy to do so. As such he's been walking the streets frequently, much to the dismay of anyone with the ability to fly. Ironically he's managed to befriend a number of Freaks, who find his complete inability to distinguish them from normal humans a welcome change. While initially several supervillains attempted to 'deal with him' for getting in their way, all they managed to do was look silly while pointing and shouting at him. Unwilling to be humiliated, heroes and villains alike tend to avoid him and his strange superpower.