(Not necessarily roleplay related but the other version of this thread on off topic is not longer existent apparently but I feel like I should let this out.) I'm getting really aggravated by people complaining about English translations of Japanese things before they even come out. Like holy fuck man I know I should expect it given the communities sometimes but still. I look on the recently coming out F/GO mobile game for example and see on reddit people hoping the English version of the games FAILS just because of a few translation choices before the game is already out in the west. People are condemning an entire section of the fandom (English speakers only interested in an English speaking game such as myself) because their god damn elitist attitudes don't see that the game suits them. It doesn't stop there it's all over the community. I feel like if I voice my objections I will just get rebutted by a completely biased person. And I'm not the one throwing sticks for example I believe Gundam Build Fighters has an awful dub, and an excellent japanese dub but if someone by some stretch of the imagination likes it then that's fine with me it's there. I'm not going to damn any future dubs for them.