[quote=@Dark Light] [@Styxx Acheron] Hii, well you post you character here and if the group thinks it fits, it is in! We aren't quite approved yet as we are finalising the final details still. [/quote] Okay. I have a few people I wanna choose from. let me know which ones don't work. [hider=Ryva] [center][u][color=a187be][h1]Ryva Vladimir[/h1][/color][/u] [color=a187be][u]Race[/u][/color] Vampire Halfling [color=a187be][u]Age[/u][/color] Will forever look 25 [color=a187be][u]Appearance[/u][/color] [img]http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8517/8368791326_a17002f30d_h.jpg[/img] [color=a187be][u]Skills[/u][/color] [list] [*] Stealth- No-one is able to detect her until it's too late, perfect for stealing and disabling guards. [*] Agility- Always lands on her feet. [*] Night Vision- Can see in the dark, better than a cat. [*] Fighting-Good at holding her own with her bare hands, and weapons. [*] Mimicry- Can copy anybody's voice, and animal sounds too. [/list] [color=a187be][u]Motto/Catchphrase[/u][/color] When life gives you lemons, squeeze them into people's eyes.[/center] [/hider] [hider=Lucca] [center][color=0072bc][h1]Lucca Valentine[/h1][/color] [img]http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/236x/e1/7d/ab/e17dabd5f40d21209409c3805cdf397d.jpg[/img] [color=0072bc][u]Age[/u][/color] 22 [color=0072bc][u]Race[/u][/color] Cheetah Shifter [color=0072bc][u]Biography[/u][/color] Lucca was climbing his favorite cedar tree in his backyard, when he slipped and fell. he had been about thirty feet up from the ground, and as he fell, he felt this terrible pain in his whole body, and his bones broke and fur covered his body. The world spun, tiwsted, he flipped in the air-and laneded on all fours. He was noticing all the heghtened senses, when something flashed in the corner of his eye. he turned and saw-to his shock-a spotted attached to his now furry. Lucca froze. [color=0072bc][i]Oh gods, save me,[/i][/color] he thought. [color=0072bc][i]I'm a freaking cheetah![/i][/color] then he raced back to his house and darted inside throught the open sliding glass door, and headed into his parents room. His father turned to his mother and said, "I do believe he gets it from your side, love." She sighed, helped Lucca change back-thankfully, he still wore his clothes. [color=0072bc][u]Personality[/u][/color] Considered to be a Goth, but he's just quiet, and likes to keep to himself.[/center] [/hider]