Japan is really having a big problem with 0ver 50% between 18 and 34 still virgins and not even a relationship. So bad that the government is worried; why am I sensing another strange NEET anime in the offing. Today you have become an adult and should wish to contribute to our Nation either as a Taxpayer or a Parent; of course the latter a nobler direction. Taxpayers live in a shared 10x15 bedroom in block apartments sharing entertainment rooms, baths, Cafeteria; oh and the room assignments mandatory Coed (The government encourages hanky panky by the process of encouraging suggestive advertisements, songs, movies, streaming shows and games) Couples that conceive receive beautiful homes set on a landscaped 3/4 acre lot, Moms work if they wish to often at professions they enjoy. Did I mention that single Moms are also encouraged............babble, babble, babble [hr][hr] Been watching odd news from around the world