This girl's response towards him was strange, she seemed to look at him with curious eyes and did not seem to be startled or afraid. [color=39b54a][i]"Brave or uncaring"[/i][/color] he thought to himself as she spoke of the similar place before trailing off. [color=39b54a]“Whispers? You mean Steve? Yeah he's around... others? You mean the ones that keep to the cabin over there?” [/color]he motioned his head slightly to the cabin as he spoke. But still he found it weird, it was always weird to talk to someone who wasn't in his head. Almost didn't hear the newcomer at first. He seemed to be paying too much attention to the girl, internally he cursed at himself for not keeping better aware of his surroundings. This man was strange hell they were all strange, [color=39b54a]“Lighter?”[/color] Bear asked his brow furrowed in a questioning look, [color=39b54a]“what is a lighter?” [/color]he had a feeling that words between them would be unknown to him but he did not expect it so soon. Still, the man continued to speak about the three of them, [color=39b54a][i]"three, is he counting himself?" [/i][/color]again he thought about it before letting the man finish. He spoke of others named Horus and Luci and to be wary of them in a low whisper, Bear however, spoke aloud, [color=39b54a]“Why are Horus and Luci Dangerous?”[/color] Honestly bear does not know what would be considered polite, considerate, or subtle. He does understand for the most part person space, ownership of items, and to at least get permission before doing things with others or their things. But even then he is still what some would say a very rude person. He just doesn't know how to be tactful and doesn't really understand social cues. When others are more blunt with him he does tend to do well but these people act with deception, as if they haven't been able to trust others or are used to being lied too. This man was confusing for him, spouting mostly nonsense and strange foreign words. “[color=39b54a]I do not know what this Wi-Fi is but I don't think I want it[/color]” he spoke to the man in a mono tone voice and maintained the questioning look before looking back the way he came. Something felt off, like he was being watched or stalked. Then he heard it the warning call from Hugin warning his friend of danger in the area and his instincts told him to hide. Seemingly agreeing with this man who calls himself Kaeser, [color=39b54a]“I am unaware of this third friend you speak of, but it would be wise for us to go inside[/color]” the wooden spear he held in his hand was light yet strong and seemed to be more of a walking stick matching Bear in height, the polished metal tip gleamed in the sunlight that cut through the trees. Glancing back behind him again only for a moment Bear followed the other girl into the cabin calling out to his friend before entering, [color=39b54a]“Hugin, stay close and stay safe”[/color] the raven flew over head and perched itself up high in a pine tree near the cabin. His friend would stay nearby for several days leaving only to feed and drink from the river. The cabin reminded Bear a lot like the old cabin he boarded up eight winters ago, [color=39b54a][i]"had it really been eight winters?"[/i][/color] The thought stuck in his head for a short time before emerging through the doorway next to the smaller girl in strange clothes. This time he was greeted with a rather warm hello and explanation of why they were here, “[color=39b54a]Dusk?” [/color]he spoke, [color=39b54a]“that won't be for some time longer.” [/color]he listened further into what the girl at the table was saying, she seemed to be busy messing with a cross bow and mentioned something about a bow. [color=39b54a]“Hey look Steve Friends!” [/color]Bear sounded rather excited to meet so many new people, he even smiled. He wasn't one to judge others only ever really judging others to sized them up, to see if they could be a threat, [color=39b54a]“Look at their strange clothes Steve.”[/color] He noticed after a few moments he was blocking the door so he politely shuffled to the side out of the way and sat down with his legs crossed in front of him. The large man smelled of pine nettles and a strange earthy smell with a hint of onion and mint. This unique smell had a purpose, a purpose to smell like the forest to better hide from predators and prey. [color=39b54a]“This place smells weird, kind of fruity and a little musky.” [/color]he found himself making his observations out loud uncaring if it was insulting to others. Yet he found himself staring at the women with the cross bow watching the way she manipulated the wood with careful purpose. To be honest he stared for some time, for him it was rather mesmerizing. [color=00aeef]“Would you stop staring and say something”[/color] the rather agitated voice of Steve returned with vengeance. “[color=39b54a]O hi Steve you were being rather quiet there for a little while. What? Introduce myself? Fine I guess.” [/color]the man looked around the room at all of them after seemingly talking to himself, his head tilting ever so slightly as he looked among them with a look of curiosity and slight wonder. [color=39b54a]“Hello my names bear... at least that's what everyone calls me. I can't quite remember my real name[/color].” again he looked about the other occupants of the small cabin that was beginning to get crowded. One man had skin that was as pale as the full moon and seemed to be scarred in many places, another a girl with hair as bright as summer green grass had an alluring quality about her he could not point out. Another man he could see, strong and well-built with a straight scar running down his face. Definitely not caused by an animal or at least it doesn't look like it, a knife maybe. Another man seemingly average build with hair the color of Huginn's feathers and brilliant blue eyes like that of deep dangerous water. Before he could continue with his observations, another man came through the door way. He looked up to this man from his seated position and could tell that he was slender with pale skin, about average height but still shorter than bear. His eyes were hazel and a prominent scar highlighted his lower lip. He seemed to speak to the lady making the bow before turning to Bear and speaking to him in a rather excited tone. [color=92278f]“[u]Where did you come from? ... You found us? On your own? Normally I am the one finding other people. How strange. But a good pace of change, I suppose. What is your name? No, not your real one, sorry, your alias?”[/u] [/color] the man had many questions all of which Bear was happy to answer. “[color=39b54a]Alaska? Yeah that sounds right[/color]” he seemed to question himself for a moment before continuing, “[color=39b54a]yes well... not on my own. Steve helped me find you and my instincts gave me a direction too. He told me 8 winters ago that I was needed else where. That I needed to find the time before sunset.” [/color]he spoke in a cheerful tone yet paused for a moment and looked at his hands contemplating the journey here and how long it took him. “[color=39b54a]He told me on several occasions I was to be a... pathfinder I think or guide. Something about not knowing the way but finding the path for others to follow.” [/color]Bear looked up as he thought about what he just said, “[color=39b54a]yeah that sounds like something Steve would say[/color].” again he paused as he looked around the room then back up to the man standing before him. [color=39b54a]“Well I told them but I can't really remember what my real name is but most people just call me bear.” [/color]he smiled at the man, it had been after all a few months since he last spoke to an actual person. [color=39b54a]“O and Hugin and I found your cabin yesterday but I spent a day crawling around the bushes avoiding what ever that thing is outside and foraging.”[/color] thinking of that the man pulled a gallon sized leather pouch from his belt and held it up to the man, [color=39b54a]“Berry?”[/color] [@Utrax][@Rtron][@Grijs] [Do not be alarmed I was given permission to do the small control of dusk at the end.]